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hot-loader 2.0

   (7 reviews)

7 Screenshots

About This File

This script allows developers to run and test their code while in game using their favorite code editor.
Preview: https://streamable.com/3fz1ck


  • Executes the code once you save the file
  • Auto destroys the old entities created by hotloader to prevent duplicated entities created and improve rapid developing.
  • Auto destroy old event listeners created by hotloader (`let myEvent = new mp.Event('render', ()=> {})`) , read below.
  • Runs code server-side (hotloader/server/*)
  • Runs code client-side (hotloader/client/*)

Note this is not meant to be used in in production.

How to use:

  1. Drag all the folders into server root (place the packages folder into your server/packages, and the hotloader folder in the server root)
    in root/hotloader you can do your testing in client.js or server.js or you can create new files in the same directory.
    You have to save the file to apply the chagnes.

    Auto entity/event remover is activated only when you declare entities with let/var in the main scope (not in if statements or functions)
    For events dont use mp.events.add, rather use `let myEvent = new mp.Event('eventName', function)` so hotloader can kill the event listener

Edited by Mos
new version

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


Added again (but improved) the auto mp entities + events destroyer for fast testing without worrying of duplicating the same event listener or entity

  • Like 12
  • Confused 1

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

I use it on my server and it's so fucking awesome, god dayum!

  • Like 1
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Guest rfgsdfd

   1 of 5 members found this review helpful 1 / 5 members


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   0 of 1 member found this review helpful 0 / 1 member

Nice men!

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