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Custom Sound CEF 1.0.0

   (1 review)

About This File

Simple CEF to play custom mp3's in the background. The CEF autodestroys after the sound has finished to not use our beloved PC resources.


Copy client_packages and packages content in their respective directory, then import them.

You can put your mp3's inside client_packages/Sound/sounds/ and trigger them with their filename. Only mp3 is supported right now, although ogg works as well, it's easily exchangeable and/or extensible to allow for both.

As of right now, you can play a sound with the "/playsound NAME" command. You can use this as you want, this is only a barebones example to show how it works.

I have not experimented when it comes to max sound length / filesize. I'd like to know though :D

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

That's good resource. 👍

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