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Rage Horse 1.1

   (2 reviews)

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About This File

Preview video https://streamable.com/b1b0i

Github repo https://github.com/ItsMos/ragemp-horse


Horse mod for rage multiplayer
This replaces the 'deer' model because it is fast-moving.
Horses should be synced, this doesnt work well with
`online` skins, you can fix that tho, feel free
to contribute.

You think that you're actually riding the horse? no, think again,
the horse is riding you (your ped)

// server code
let pkg = require('ragemp-horse')
let allHorses = pgk.horses,
  Horse = pkg.Horse

// To create a horse
let myPony = new Horse(position, dimension)
// delete a horse
Press Interact button (default `E`) to mount/dismount a horse

Horse model converted by Quechus13

What's New in Version 1.1   See changelog


fix:  added a check if there's a rider already before trying to ride

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