About This File
This is a small script that allows players to buy/sell bitcoins.
- Currency API (define a currency named "cash" after installing)
- node-fetch (after installing, go to packages/bitcoin folder, launch command prompt/powershell from shift+rightclick and write "npm install", should download it)
Drag & drop to your server files folder.
The config.json file provides some options:
- updateInterval - The time between BTC price updates, in milliseconds. Default value is 300000 aka 5 minutes.
- markerColor - Color of the markers, [r, g, b, a] format.
- markerRange - Range of the markers.
- exchangeCoords - Positions where players can buy/sell bitcoins. Default values add 2 exchange locations: Lester's house and garment factory.
- buybtc [amount]
- sellbtc [amount]
Both commands need you to be inside a Bitcoin Exchange marker.
- This script does not save data (bought bitcoins etc), saving should be handled by your gamemode since Currency API provides functions for that.
- BTC price is provided by CoinDesk.
- Currency API does not support floats so players can't buy less than 1 BTC.
- Bogdanoff is watching