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League gamemode 0.3.0

   (1 review)

10 Screenshots

About This File

League [work in progress]

0.3.0-alpha unstable version

The classic tdm gamemode, with opensource code in the github repository. 


Available systems:

1. Configurable (The most settings you are allowed to edit in ./packages/league/assets/config.json)

2. Saving statistics (And yes, you dont need to install any additional libraries, just ctrl+c, ctrl+v folders)

3. Multi-language (You can easily add a new language just by creating a new json file in lang directory)

4. Groups (user, moderator, admin, root)

5. Notify system based on CEF (notifystack)

6. Voting for maps

7. Support json maps (See an example in assets/maps.json)

8. Some information huds (nametags, voting, team selecting, round info)

9. Chat information (kick, mute)

10. Gamemenu (F2)

11. Deathlog (Killlist) when round is running

12. Control huds


Available commands:

1. /rs [map_id_or_code]  or /roundstart [map_id_or_code] - Start a new round (In the future will be admin command)

Now has admin/root access

2. /re or /roundend - Ends the round (In the future will be admin command)

Now has admin/root access

3. /votemap [map_id_or_code] - nominate a map to the start 

4. /cl [lang] or /changelang [lang] - change the language

5. group commands:

/g rcon [password] - grant super privileges
/g login [password] - login as admin or moderator
/g addadm [id] [password] - (root only) add a new admin by id
/g addmod [id] [password] - (root and admin) add a new moderator by id
/g pwd [password] - change a password for login
/g user [id] - set a user group for player by id

6. /kick [idOrName] [reason]  - (root and admin and moderator only) Kick player by reason

7. /mute [idOrName] [minutes] [reason] -  (root and admin and moderator only)  Mute player by reason

8. /unmute [idOrName]  - (root and admin and moderator only) Unmute player

9. /ct [id|nickname] [att|def|spec] - Change a team by player id/nickname, alias /changeteam

10.  /add [id|nickname] - Add a player to the round

11.  /remove [id|nickname] - Remove a player from the round

12. /pause - Pause a round when the round is running

13. /unpause - Unpause a round when the round is running

Some screenshots:

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Ver. 0.3.0 download league 0.3.0 from github

Gamemode discord for any questions.

What's New in Version 0.3.0   See changelog


Changelog 0.3.0

+ Fixed teamselector bug with double binding keys
+ Fixed bug when round timer was not being synced with client/server
+ Added Controls hud element
+ Added Gamemode hud element
+ Added Deathlog hud element
+ Added round pause and pause commands:
/pause - Pause a round when the round is running
/unpause - Unpause a round when the round is running
+ Added change team command:
/ct [id|nickname] [att|def|spec] - Change a team by player id/nickname, alias /changeteam
+ Added add/remove in/from a round:
/add [id|nickname] - Add a player to the round
/remove [id|nickname] - Remove a player from the round
+ Added Gamemenu tabs:
1. Profile tab - a tab with profile information of player
2. Players tab - a tab with list of current players (clickable to a player to get a profile)
3. History tab - a tab with history of matches (at this moment not clickable, soon)
4. Vote tab - a tab with voting for the map
5. Top tab - a tab with top of players, sorted by mmr (at this moment no finished, soon)
6. Credits tab - a tab with information about gamemode author, changelog
Gamemenu available by F2 button
+ Rework round players' statistic, moved from round players teamId to sharedData
Breaking changes: round stats now saved with another json object which looks like:
{ winner, created_at, ATTACKERS: [], DEFENDERS: [] }
+ Fixed teamId state in Scoreboard tab
+ Fixed changelang description
+ Fixed error on client when round is running stats has been saving
+ Fixed assist calculation on clientside
+ Fixed bug with checking state of a player (typeof undefined)
+ Added player join/quit notifications in chat
+ Fixed vote bug, when player has voted but at finished time round has not started

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With great pleasure I watch the development of this open source mod, pretty cool!

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