About This File
- Menu to show and select between all bones avaliable (https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Bones)
- Camera focus on the bone you select.
- Added more keys to edit the object.
- Menu to edit or remove objects that were already placed.
- Object information save on *attachments.txt* on serverside.
- /attach [object_name] · Command to start editing the object.
- TAB · Key to open the menu to edit objects placed.
- Enter · Key to finish the editing the current object.
- Cancel · Key to cancel the editing the current object.
- Space · Key to reset the pos and rot the current object.
- R · Key to change mode between pos and rot.
- L · Key to change the camera's fov.
- UP | DOWN · Edit pos/rot X the current object.
- LEFT | RIGHT · Edit pos/rot Y the current object
- PageUp | PageDown · Edit pos/rot Z the current object.
- Shift · Increase speed the editing.
- AltLeft + X · Reset pos/rot X the current object.
- AltLeft + Y · Reset pos/rot Y the current object.
- AltLeft + Z · Reset pos/rot Z the current object.
Also on GitHub: https://github.com/1PepeCortez/Attachments-editor
Edited by PepeCortez
New version
What's New in Version 0.1 See changelog
No changelog available for this version.