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Modules 0.1

   (3 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Modules for RageMP




Hi everyone, i made this resource because the current resources loader on the server side is very scarce and not personalize, so i decided to make a couple of modifications trying that one as the owner / developer of it can have a more exact control of its resources, models, etc.

How to install

  1. For this is necessary to change of directory our ragemp server location because file called updater.exe is going to remove our changes so i recommend you to change that.
  2. Move all folder of this repo to your server folder (Read step 1) and replace.
  3. For last, for start some resource you only need to add in resources.js



  • I want to add my '_example_' resource.


  • image.png



  • And finally, you have to add it on your _resources.js_


  • image.png

Edited by Germancito57
Change format

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