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Arena 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

3 Screenshots

About This File

Arena is a vehicle based deathmatch gamemode that takes place inside the Maze Bank Arena.




The arena gets a new look every 10 minutes (configurable) to keep things fresh. With 30 themes and 10 lighting styles, things will always look different!


Power Ups

Every time a player is killed, there's a 33% chance (configurable) they'll drop a power-up. There are currently 4 types of power-ups:

  • Armored - makes the minitank more durable against rockets
  • Ghost - hides the player's icon
  • Jumping - activates the minitank's jumping ability, greatly improving maneuverability
  • Repair - repairs the minitank

Armored, ghost and jumping power-ups stay active until the player dies.



There is a scoreboard to see your and the top 10 player's kill/death stats by holding TAB.



  • /giveup - in case you're bugged or just want to respawn


For Developers

Since both client and server code is bundled and minified using esbuild, you'll need the dev dependencies if you want to make code changes.

  • to install dev dependencies: npm install --save-dev
  • to bundle clientside files: npm run bundle-client
  • to bundle serverside files: npm run bundle-server

The bundled files will be in the "dist" folder.


Server Config

There are a bunch of settings you can control using conf.json:

  • arena.round_seconds - round time, default: 600 seconds (10 minutes)
  • arena.round_wait_seconds - time between a round ending and another one starting, default: 10 seconds

  • arena.respawn_seconds - respawn time of a player, default: 4 seconds

  • arena.powerup_chance - power-up drop chance where 0.0 is 0% and 1.0 is 100%, default: 0.33

  • arena.powerup_seconds - lifetime of a collectable power-up if uncollected, default: 60 seconds

All these settings expect the values to be numbers.


Source code is also available on GitHub: https://github.com/root-cause/ragemp-arena

Edited by rootcause

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Yet another masterpiece

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tanks so much, got my tank-minied


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