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4 Screenshots

About This File

Night Shift is a survival gamemode that takes place in the Clucking Bell Farms. A random player is chosen as the hunter while the others become a chicken trying to survive until the timer runs out.




  • Play as a chicken or a disgruntled Clucking Bell employee
  • A round system
  • Security cameras, don't miss the action even if you're late to the party (...or got eliminated)



  • /giveup - in case you're stuck, had enough of the chickens or hunters


For Developers

Since both client and server code is bundled and minified using esbuild, you'll need the dev dependencies if you want to make code changes.

  • to install dev dependencies: npm install --save-dev
  • to bundle clientside files: npm run bundle-client
  • to bundle serverside files: npm run bundle-server

The bundled files will be in the "dist" folder.

Timer Bars 2 is used for the "CHICKENS LEFT" and "TIME LEFT" UI elements and is a separate download.


Server Config

There are a bunch of settings you can control using conf.json:

  • nightshift.min_players - minimum amount of players required to start a round, default: 2 players
  • nightshift.round_seconds - duration of a round, default: 300 seconds (5 minutes)
  • nightshift.wait_seconds - time to wait between rounds, default: 20 seconds
  • nightshift.respawn_seconds - respawn time of a player, default: 7 seconds
  • nightshift.hunter_weapon - weapon hash of the hunter, default: 487013001 (WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN) (Weapon Hash Reference)
  • nightshift.hunter_ammo - amount of ammo given to the hunter, default: 40

All these settings expect the values to be numbers.


Source code is also available on GitHub: https://github.com/root-cause/ragemp-night-shift

Edited by rootcause

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Excellent mini-gamemode

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