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Found 8 results

  1. Version 1.2


    UPDATE I highly recommending using my more updated resource "MySQL Accounts" instead as it fixes known issues and runs better: This resource will stay up, however I will not be giving any help for this resource as I don't believe it should be used for serious projects. ---- Basic MySQL Gamemode Github Link: https://github.com/MrPancakers/ragemp-mysql Resource Thread: Discord: MrPancakers#9283 This is a template of a very basic login/registration system you can implement into your game mode to get started. This template only stores usernames, passwords(encrypted with BCrypt), position and money so anything extra will need to be implemented yourself. This is intended for beginners so the code is pretty basic and nothing fancy has been done so it is easily readable. If you find any issues, leave a comment on my thread or leave a comment on this resource. Installation You'll need to have a MySQL server setup, either using WAMP/XAMPP/or from a server. To keep this short I will not go through setting these up, simply Google 'How to set up WAMP' for example to get it set up. Unzip the source and place it inside of your server files folder. Open your command prompt and change your directory to your server folder. Then do 'npm install' to install the required node_modules. Create a new database and call it whatever you want (Inside the script it is called 'ragemp-mysql'). Once created, import the ragemp-mysql.sql into your newly created database. Go to packages/mysql/mysql.js and open it. At the top is the connection info, change this to whatever your IP and MySQL username/password is. If you're hosting this locally and you haven't made/changed the MySQL info, the default should be fine. You're all set to go.
  2. I was able to load MafiaCity but when the login screen comes up, my mouse cursor disappears and I can't do anything with it. I'm able to hit esc and see the menu, but that is all. (update) I tried it again and it worked. I did nothing different.
  3. Habe Rage MP sowie GTA 5 neu Installiert. Es kommt aber wieder und wieder diese Fehlermeldung.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Login Window Design
  5. Hey everyone, now i publish my register login ui developed for an roleplay Server that i was make but never be finished and i dont want to finish .. This is a simple login or register ui with "wished" tabs animation with tilt plugin for jquery. the items of register content its dynamic and javascript functions must not need to be changed. Login View: https://streamable.com/fackq Register View: https://streamable.com/o0x8h // example for a big text on the left side: (the white box goes to the right side) <div class="item left big"> <h6>Charakternamen Richtlinien</h6> <p> [any text here] <br /> <strong>Beispiel von nutzbaren Namen: <span class="green-text">Max Mustermann</span></strong> <br /> [any text here] </p> </div> // example for small text to the right side: (the white box goes automaticly to the left side) <div class="item right big"> <h6>User Werben User</h6> <p> [any text here ...]<br/><br/> <strong>Charaktername des Spielers:</strong> <input id="recruit_name" type="text" class="white-text" value="Max Mustermann"> </p> </div> use cef.execute to call the javascript function: show(0, "usernamehere"); // for login view show(1, "usernamehere"); // for register view Javascript Library's and CSS Frameworks i used: jquery (jquery.color-2.1.2) materialize tilt.jquery noty use it, change if you like and do anything you want with it. Download: https://mega.nz/#!VdFkFISK Kryptokey: FLkKpmP3nQbK48Tl4fW4mDxb2FwJGbpzW2NcNfnGVGE Greetz, Concil
  6. Hello! I am currently creating a login script. I want to do it different than the other servers. That arises the question, why nobody uses the Social Club Name for an automatic login? Is there an bug with the socialclub name or could it be exploited? It would be helpful if you could give me a useful answer. Thanks in advance. ~cinux
  7. Добрый день. Я начинающий скриптер. Как реализовать авторизацию и Регистрацию в игре через MYSQL? прошу дать пошаговую инструкцию. Благодарю.
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