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C# How do you set the ped of my player?

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Posted (edited)

Actually it does not explain anything, if you are asking how to access your local player, its RAGE.Elements.Player.LocalPlayer

Edited by Kopra
Posted (edited)

I sorted it but I have another problem. I've written a noclip clientside script but it doesnt work. All it does is create a camera that won't move:


using RAGE;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace SOCRPClient
    internal class NoClip : Events.Script
        int noClipCamera;

        bool isEnabled;
        RAGE.Elements.Player localPlayer = RAGE.Elements.Player.LocalPlayer;

        int W = 32, S = 33, A = 34, D = 35, Space = 321, LCtrl = 326;

        float flyingSpeedMultiplier = 2.0f;

        public NoClip()
            Events.Add("StartNoClip", StartNoClip);
            Events.Tick += Tick

        public void StartNoClip(object[] args)
            isEnabled = (bool)args[0];

            var camPos = new Vector3(
            var camRot = RAGE.Game.Cam.GetGameplayCamRot(2);
            int noClipCamera = 0;

            noClipCamera = RAGE.Game.Cam.CreateCameraWithParams(
                camPos.X, camPos.Y, camPos.Z,
                camRot.X, camRot.Y, camRot.Z,
                true, 2

            if (isEnabled)
                RAGE.Game.Cam.SetCamActive(noClipCamera, true);
                RAGE.Game.Cam.RenderScriptCams(true, false, 0, true, false, 0);
                localPlayer.SetVisible(true, false);
                localPlayer.SetCollision(false, false);
                RAGE.Game.Cam.DestroyCam(noClipCamera, true);
                RAGE.Game.Cam.RenderScriptCams(false, false, 0, true, false, 0);
                localPlayer.SetVisible(true, false);
                localPlayer.SetCollision(true, false);


        public void Tick(List<Events.TickNametagData> nametags)
            bool isUpdated = false;
            if (!RAGE.Game.Cam.DoesCamExist(noClipCamera)) return;

            var position = RAGE.Elements.Player.LocalPlayer.Position;
            var direction = RAGE.Game.Cam.GetCamRot(noClipCamera, 2);

            if (RAGE.Input.IsDown(W))
                position.X += direction.X * flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                position.Y += direction.Y * flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                position.Z += direction.Z * flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                isUpdated = true;
            else if(RAGE.Input.IsDown(S))
                position.X -= direction.X * flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                position.Y -= direction.Y * flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                position.Z -= direction.Z * flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                isUpdated = true;

            if (RAGE.Input.IsDown(D))
                position.X += (-direction.Y) * flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                position.Y += direction.X * flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                isUpdated = true;
            else if (RAGE.Input.IsDown(32))
                position.X -= (-direction.Y) * flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                position.Y -= direction.X * flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                isUpdated = true;

                position.Z += flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                isUpdated = true;
            else if(RAGE.Input.IsDown(LCtrl))
                position.Z -= flyingSpeedMultiplier;
                isUpdated = true;

            if (isUpdated)
                RAGE.Game.Cam.SetCamCoord(noClipCamera, position.X, position.Y, position.Z);



The camera won't move or turn.


Edited by inesiati

You will have to debug it and see which part of code is problematic.
Check if this returns correct value.

if (!RAGE.Game.Cam.DoesCamExist(noClipCamera)) return;


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