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Posted (edited)

Hey, i am new to Ragemp coding and i am trying to get this code to work.

At the Moment i need to type    /freeze [Player Name] [true/false]

but I want that i can type           /freeze [ID] [true/false]


[Command("freeze", "/freeze a player ")]
        public void CMD_FreezePlayer(Player player,Player target, bool freezestatus)
            Accounts account = player.GetData<Accounts>(Accounts.Account_Key);
            if (!account.IsPlayerAdmin((int)Accounts.AdminRanks.Supporter))
                player.SendNotification("~r~You are not an Admin");
            NAPI.ClientEvent.TriggerClientEvent(target, "PlayerFreeze", freezestatus);
            string freezeText = (freezestatus) ? "freezed" : "unfreezed";
            NAPI.Util.ConsoleOutput(player.Name + "  has  " + target.Name + " freezed/entfreezed " + freezestatus);

Edited by Milkbottle
public static Player GetPlayerByNameOrId(string value)
            // If value is number, we look in pool by ID
            if (int.TryParse(value, out int targetId))
                return NAPI.Pools.GetAllPlayers().FirstOrDefault(X => X.Id == targetId);
            // If value is not a number, we look by players name
                return NAPI.Pools.GetAllPlayers().FirstOrDefault(X => X.Name.Contains(value));

        [Command("freeze", "/freeze a player ")]
        public void CMD_FreezePlayer(Player player, string targetValue, bool freezestatus)
            Accounts account = player.GetData<Accounts>(Accounts.Account_Key);
            if (!account.IsPlayerAdmin((int)Accounts.AdminRanks.Supporter))
                player.SendNotification("~r~You are not an Admin");
            Player target = GetPlayerByNameOrId(targetValue);
            if (target == null)
                player.SendNotification("~r~Target not found");
            NAPI.ClientEvent.TriggerClientEvent(target, "PlayerFreeze", freezestatus);
            string freezeText = (freezestatus) ? "freezed" : "unfreezed";
            NAPI.Util.ConsoleOutput(player.Name + "  has  " + target.Name + " freezed/entfreezed " + freezestatus);


This should work, only thing I see here that may be problematic is you may get exception when using INT in argument where it expect string.

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