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This is in the official wiki, who built this?

Does anyone use TypeScript for developing and i'm the only one to meet this error or do you all just use javascript and this was never an issue, i can't explain why would this happen other than that nobody uses ts



Its not a error? 

Like its writen on Wiki RAGE MP WIKI this is normal input argument. Rage refer to original Natives from GTA V. You can see next:

// SetEntityCoords
void SET_ENTITY_COORDS(Entity entity, float xPos, float yPos, float zPos, BOOL alive, BOOL deadFlag, BOOL ragdollFlag, BOOL clearArea);
entity: The entity to change coordinates for.
xPos: The X coordinate.
yPos: The Y coordinate.
zPos: The Z coordinate, ground level.
alive: Unused by the game, potentially used by debug builds of GTA in order to assert whether or not an entity was alive.
deadFlag: Whether to disable physics for dead peds, too, and not just living peds.
ragdollFlag: A special flag used for ragdolling peds.
clearArea: Whether to clear any entities in the target area.
Sets the coordinates (world position) for a specified entity, offset by the radius of the entity on the Z axis.

This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native SET_ENTITY_COORDS.

This is from FiveM doc.

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