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Takes ages to load in on any server with a proper PC

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Hey there!

Haven't played GTA in a while now, but figured I might give it a shot now that GTAW is opening a new server. Now whenever I try to connect to ANY server the client boots up really slow. The "validating server assets" phase takes like 5 mins alone, then it proceeds to download files if a server has anything new on it of course which works properly and downloads fast.

After downloading, the client proceeds to load in to the server: goes into big window mode and turns the screen black as it loads in. This thing usually takes around 5 mins also, and then I get to see the loading screen which took me like 5 to 10 minutes after it crashed on me. So it usually takes 15-20 mins to load into an instant crash which of course makes me a bit furious cause I don't want to waste my free time with downloading and loading stuff. 

Now given that GTAW's new server has 10 gbs of server files, I literally left my PC, watched the new House of the Dragon episode, came back and it was still on "Validating server assets". Now I have a farely good PC with 1080 TI, 16 GB Ram, Ryzen5 3600 so I thought for a while that it's a server problem, but tried different servers and had the same problem so it's definitely my PC or RageMP.

After two days of trying I don't want to screw around and trying things for nothing, wasting my time on it, so please can someone help me with this? Or does anyone have the same issue? 

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