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Rockstar Launcher stuck on loading screen

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Greetings. I'm having some issues starting up Rage for some reason, in the sense of the Rockstar Launcher not starting the game.


I run Rage as administator, and the server page opens, thus I select a server. Then when the Rockstar Launcher is supposed to open, it doesn't.


I tried everything - reinstalling both the game and Rage; even the Rockstar Launcher. I tried restarting my PC in every way possible. Tried having Steam and the Launcher open before launching Rage, and so on forth.


Basically tried everything you'd think to try at first, but to no avail. Finally I decided to come here to support and ask for help, because I just about ran out of options.


Thank you very much in advance to the kind soul that'll take a minute with me to figure this thing out.



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