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mp.invoke magic function


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Hello everyone. Recently I came across when working with a chat based on examples with the mp.invoke function. I looked through all the sites about working with CEF and raid and did not find a clear answer for what mp.invoke is needed and what is indicated for its use. I would be grateful if someone would describe in detail with links about this function.

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It's part of RAGEMP CEF API. Mostly used for chat, I'm not sure if there is a list of all invokes but here are some I've encountered:

/*--From CEF--*/
mp.invoke(“focus”, true/false); 		   // Enables/disables local player cursor in game
mp.invoke("setTypingInChatState", true/false); 	   // Used to set synchronized typing in chat state for local player (mp.players.local.isTypingInTextChat)
mp.invoke("command", text); 			   // Send command to server from local player
mp.invoke("chatMessage", text);   		   // Send chat message to server from local player


Edited by Kopra
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13 часа назад, Kopra сказал:

It's part of ragemp CEF api. Mostly used for chat, I'm not sure there is a list of all invokes but here are some I've encountered:

/*--From CEF--*/
mp.invoke(“focus”, true/false); 		   // Enables/disables local player cursor in game
mp.invoke("setTypingInChatState", toggle); 	   // Used to set synchronized typing in chat state for local player (mp.players.local.isTypingInTextChat)
mp.invoke("command", text); 			   // Send command to server from local player
mp.invoke("chatMessage", text);   		   // Send chat message to server from local player


Thank you

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