Neejksiak Posted July 25, 2023 Posted July 25, 2023 EN : Hello today 25.07.2023 22:32 i've got banned permamently on rage:mp because of cheating but the cheats i've downloaded was not for rage:mp that was for GTA:SA i would like to get unbanned because of the fact that I play on the Server MajesticRP PL1 and I would like to continue playing there, unfortunately, the ban does not allow me to play and cheats were to GTA:SA i think the ban is wrong !!! PL : Witam dzisiaj 25.07.2023 22:32 mam zbanowanego na stałe na rage:mp z powodu cheatów ale cheaty które ściągnąłem nie były dla rage:mp to było dla GTA:SA chciałbym się odbanować ze względu na fakt, że gram na serwerze MajesticRP PL1 i chciałbym tam dalej grać, niestety, ban nie pozwala mi grać a cheaty były do GTA:SA sądze że ban jest nie słuszny !!!
Xabi Posted July 26, 2023 Posted July 26, 2023 We don't like people cheating and, if you were banned, you had the cheats opened while playing/launching RAGE so you won't be unbanned.
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