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Javascript Interval Buggy

Maxx Meyer

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Error: async hook stack has become corrupted (actual: 10, expected: 11)

setInterval(function() {
        mp.trigger('playerAutoSave', player);
}, 8000);

mp.events.add("playerAutoSave", (player) => {
    player.loggedInAs = "";
    gm.mysql.handle.query("UPDATE `account` SET money = ?, posX = ?, posY = ?, posZ = ? WHERE `username` = ?", [player.money, player.position.x, player.position.y, player.position.z, player.name], function(err,res){
            console.log(`[Auto Save] Es wurden alle Accounts gespeichert.`)
        } else (
            console.log("ERROR: " + err)


Some fixxes avaible?


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you have error with async function , test add await before ou request if you mysql is in async 

im use this and im not have a problème 

async function saveWorld(){
	const start = new Date().getTime();
	var vehicles = {};

    mp.vehicles.forEachInDimension(0, (vehicle) => {
    	if(vehicle.getVariable('entreprise') === null){
	    	var info = vehicle.position;
	    	info.h = vehicle.heading;
	    	info.model = vehicle.model;
	    	info.colorP = vehicle.getColorRGB(0);
	    	info.colorS = vehicle.getColorRGB(1);
	    	info.owner = vehicle.getVariable('owner');
	    	info.locked = vehicle.locked;
	    	vehicles[vehicle.numberPlate] = info;

	await mp.function.writeFile("save/vehicle.json",JSON.stringify(vehicles));
	const time = new Date().getTime() - start;

	if (time >= 500) {
		console.log(`monde save: ${time / 1000}s`);
	else {
		console.log(`monde save: ${time / 1000}s`);

setInterval(saveWorld, 15000);


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