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This server based on domain gv.rmrp.ru ( rmrp.ru ) and etc. They are using real brend cars and have 400+ users online , why the not banned ? They are still using real brands as ROLLS-ROYCE , GMC , Mitsubishi and etc. Server IP: gv.rmrp.ru:22005 . If u dont follow your own rules as ban server which user real brands after limited time of new policy statements , i must to check out to real brand companies to solve that problem . In link i attached some kinds of using IRL brends with out permission. Thank you for attention!

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Posted (edited)

Hello. Thank you very much for adressing this issue. We will begin to resolve it immediately. Following brands that are seen on this screenshots will be removed tommorow.


We are 100% willing to comply with rage-mp policy regarding irl brands.

Edited by RMRP
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3 часа назад, RMRP сказал:

Hello. Thank you very much for adressing this issue. We will begin to resolve it immediately. Following brands that are seen on this screenshots will be removed tommorow.


We are 100% willing to comply with rage-mp policy regarding irl brands.

AHAH, u make the updae today at 4p.m (utc +3) , and still u have issues with real brands , names and etc. Im waiting of answer administrators , or reporting to companies. That i give in upper topic its a 10% of all issues on ur server and problems with illegal use brands. Im strongly confusing by this situation because i wrote to ALL ur administrators maybe 30 times or more . And every time ur administrators make pressuated and next ignore/ban me . I wrote to company of Vitaly to his Social Media u ignored me too . Because of this i can send u one more picture , maybe u will find last 90% of using brands , AHAH , but for urs developers and game designers its hard to know . And last what i want to say that ur server sooooo boring on my rtx 4060 shows 54fps at 350-500 online , but online count not cause it because when servers restart its shows 67 fps . GLHF RMRP , i dont wanna to speak with duuudes who make all for shut the f#ck up his players! P.s I have screenshot that i send to email for owner at 12 may 2024 , because of this urs upper message its so rofl that u changing something or not! ( Also i have screenshots that im sending messages for urs administrators ). https://imgur.com/a/iepOPag Check this out , one more picture of using real brands and also in high quality old picture ) urs administrators as like Emil thought that im not real and that its not illegal☹️

Posted (edited)

Hello. Thank you for providing us more information, those leftovers will be removed as soon as possible.

As said earlier, we are entirely committed to complying with the rage-mp policy.

Edited by RMRP
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U are hear me? U are thinking that players only a money bag ( im sent all arguments thats it is ,as like urs administrators says that u dont checking this forum ). Okay because u answering as a robot im really tired to send this messages. Nice to be seeing in a court duudees . We will see how u prove that you are morons who dont know how to do anything. Im will send some kinds of illegal using to Governments Instations too. And why u sending on this topic messages , if when i wanna to contact for a month u ignored me but in this topic ur answering , very strange. P.s Im calling to owners phone which join with his company no one answer me ( If u wanna i can send u template of message that im send to TOYOTA.

Ohhhhh after ur yesterday answer i found more than 10 + for old issues i didnt send it to you there , because u are snitches . BUT i cant send it with my crypto wallet AHAHH duuude🤣


U have my social media urls, also im send messages to report chat , and u also ignoring. Not bad not bad . And now u sitting and thinking how to answer to this asshole to take from him more information like from a children oooooor u thinking how to shut the f#ck up me . AHAHAH

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