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Hello, dear RAGE MP team, I faced a very unpleasant situation, namely with the automatic permanent blocking of EAC, I confess that I am guilty, I purchased software, but in the end I changed my mind, I ran it only 1 time, and then it did not work, and EAC detected it. I have a lot of property, and I don't want to lose everything and for one stupid mistake, please help me, I will be very grateful, thank you in advance for your further answer!my login social club: mcvaho

20 часов назад, Kopra сказал:

Unfortunately EAC bans are non revokable and permanent. 

I forgot to ask, are you part of the rage rp team?

9 часов назад, Kopra сказал:

No there is not, that is what "non revokable and permanent" usually means.

or are you a community member like me?

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