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System.Data.SqlClient throws a PlatformNotSupportedException


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Ok, so I've got a basic project set up in order for you guys to replicate the issue. Essentially, using System.Data.SqlClient doesn't work only when in a Script. It works fine when in a console application etc...

In this solution, there's three projects. One is DatabaseTest, which is the script which the server loads. Another is ConsoleTest which just calls the same querying code as DatabaseTest, but doesn't have a reference to GTANetworkAPI.

The third is where the querying code is, which is called Shared.

Here's the error I am getting:



Just create a MSSQL DB on your machine called "Test", then you'll be able to test if it connects in the Console app.

Optionally you can add some tables to the DB with this SQL:





Here's the output from the working ConsoleApp with no GTANetworkAPI reference:



And the non-working code inside the script:


Once it calls Connection.GetTables and reaches the first statement (Which instantiates the SqlConnection class) it dies and claims the platform isn't supported... Considering I'm using the same machine when executing the projects... It gives me a hunch that something is acting weird with GTANetworkAPI.


Any ideas?

I've uploaded the project files here:


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46 minutes ago, MiMIMi said:

I believe you have the same problem as previous users. I posted my solution here. 


If so were the case I think he should have a file not found exception rather than not supported.

I'm really new to this scripting and don't know the difference between SqlConnection and MySqlConnection, but my query would look something like this.

      string query = "SELECT [name] FROM [sys].[tables] ORDER BY [name]";
      using(MySqlConnection db = new MySqlConnection(_connStr))
      using(MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, db))
        using(MySqlDataReader data = command.ExecuteReader())

catch(Exception ex)


Edited by introzen
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I've tried copying all the dependencies into the runtime folder previously. I should've mentioned it in the original post.

SqlConnection is for MSSQL databases, whereas MySqlConnection is for MySQL databases.

I'm using Dapper (for returning typed objects), so it can support either. But I would much prefer to work with MSSQL. I'll keep looking into the issue now.

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