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Posted (edited)

Too many people having, this 1.48 cant launch problem.

We will get a major fix for this? They cant do anything with it. We tried everything.hLrtmPk.png

Edited by MittoWait

Possible sollutions:

- Launch into Singleplayer and then try RageMP
- Reinstall RAGE Multiplayer
- Make sure you have a clean game, no mods should be installed (To make troubleshooting easier and because they don't work with RAGE Multiplayer)
- Verify the files through Steam/Social Club (https://support.rockstargames.com/articles/115014280127/Verifying-system-files-on-your-PC-for-GTAV)
- Run RAGE Multiplayer with Admin rights (Right click on the icon and "Run as Administrator")
- Make sure you have the required redistributables:
    a) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145
    b) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53344&desc=dotnet462
- Install RAGE Multiplayer and GTA V on the same drive (E.g. Both on C:/ Drive, if you have multiple drives, it may also help to move both off C:/ drive)
- Install RageMP and GTA V on different drives (E.g. Rage on D:/ Drive, GTA on C:/ drive)
- Disable any overlays (For example, Steam overlay, OBS, Discord overlay, Overwolf, Xbox Game Bar, Streaming Software, Screen recording software).
- Make sure you have a save file(started Singleplayer and saved the game).
- Disable your firewall/antivirus or add an exception to your firewall or antivirus so it doesn't do anything to the RageMP exe files (Much easier to debug if you just disable it completely).
- Right click on ragemp.exe and select Troubleshoot compatibility
- (NVIDIA USERS) Disable Shadowplay
- (STEAM ONLY) Completely close Steam, and then launch RageMP and let RageMP open Steam.
- Use a VPN (Google Free VPN if you don't have one) (Start your VPN and then once it's connected, launch RageMP)
- Reinstall GTA V

with love from


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