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Hello there,

When I try to start Rage multiplayer it will open and when i select a server it will load the server files. But when it needs to start my game it wont. or atleast it stuck. in the rage client it wil say  ""launging game.""  but after sometime I'll get a error from the gta client saying: '' grand theft auto V timed out authenticating with Epic online sercives please vertify that the epic games launcher is running and signed in and that the title is up to date" the epic store runs and the when i start gta it also works. Can somebody help me? 


picture 2


I fixed the first problem, But everytime I open a game, and in right coner there come Loading RAGE multiplayer 0.3.7 but after the circle went 1 time around, the games crashes


i used to get stuck on launching game till i saw a post to change 'prerelase' to 'oldprerelase' in config.xml in the ragemp folder. However, now it is asking me to update my game even though it is updated.

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