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Square Zone on the Map


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I want to create a zone on the map. Like this https://i.imgur.com/CCMpX8h.png

This zone should be fixed and in color.

How do the settings for this look like and how do I determine the size?

How do I determine the xy coordinates for each corner? I use javascript

function blipsss()
    let policeBlip = mp.blips.new(5, new mp.Vector3(427.95, -981.05, 0),
        name: 'Los Santos Police Station',
        color: 3,
        shortRange: true,	
	policeBlip.scale = 2;


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This is part of the code I use to create this types of zones.


mp.events.add('war_showZones', (obj) => {
	obj = JSON.parse(obj);
	let color = factionColors(obj.factOwnId);
	/*let turfblip = mp.blips.new(5, new mp.Vector3(obj.pos.x, obj.pos.y),
		name: obj.turfName,
		color: color,
		alpha: 70,
		sprite: 5,
		radius: 5
	let turfBlip = mp.game.ui.addBlipForRadius(obj.pos.x, obj.pos.y, 1, 50);
	natives.SET_BLIP_SPRITE(turfBlip, 5);
	natives.SET_BLIP_ALPHA(turfBlip, 70);
	natives.SET_BLIP_COLOUR(turfBlip, color);
	natives.SET_BLIP_ROTATION(turfBlip, obj.rotation);
	obj.colShape = mp.colshapes.newSphere(obj.pos.x, obj.pos.y, obj.pos.z, 50, 0);

var natives = {};

mp.game.graphics.clearDrawOrigin = () => mp.game.invoke('0xFF0B610F6BE0D7AF'); // 26.07.2018 // GTA 1.44 
natives.START_PLAYER_TELEPORT = (player, x, y, z, heading, p5, p6, p7) => mp.game.invoke("0xAD15F075A4DA0FDE", player, x, y, z, heading, p5, p6, p7);
natives.CHANGE_PLAYER_PED = (ped,p1,p2) => mp.game.invoke("0x048189FAC643DEEE", ped,p1,p2);
natives.SET_PED_CURRENT_WEAPON_VISIBLE = (ped,  visible,  deselectWeapon,  p3,  p4) => mp.game.invoke("0x0725A4CCFDED9A70",  ped,  visible,  deselectWeapon,  p3,  p4);
natives.SET_BLIP_SPRITE = (blip, sprite) => mp.game.invoke("0xDF735600A4696DAF", blip, sprite); // SET_BLIP_SPRITE
natives.SET_BLIP_ALPHA = (blip, a) => mp.game.invoke("0x45FF974EEE1C8734", blip, a); // SET_BLIP_ALPHA
natives.SET_BLIP_COLOUR = (blip, c) => mp.game.invoke("0x03D7FB09E75D6B7E", blip, c); // SET_BLIP_COLOUR
natives.SET_BLIP_ROTATION = (blip, r) => mp.game.invoke("0xF87683CDF73C3F6E", blip, r); // SET_BLIP_ROTATION
natives.SET_BLIP_FLASHES = (blip, f) => mp.game.invoke("0xB14552383D39CE3E", blip, f); // SET_BLIP_FLASHES
natives.SET_BLIP_FLASH_TIMER = (blip, t) => mp.game.invoke("0xD3CD6FD297AE87CC", blip, t); // SET_BLIP_FLASH_TIMER
natives.SET_BLIP_COORDS = (blip, x, y, z) => mp.game.invoke("0xAE2AF67E9D9AF65D", blip, x, y, z); // SET_BLIP_COORDS
natives.SET_CURSOR_LOCATION = (x, y) => mp.game.invoke("0xFC695459D4D0E219", x, y); // SET_CURSOR_LOCATION 
natives.GET_FIRST_BLIP_INFO_ID = (i) => mp.game.invoke("0x1BEDE233E6CD2A1F", i); // GET_FIRST_BLIP_INFO_ID
natives.GET_NEXT_BLIP_INFO_ID = (i) => mp.game.invoke("0x14F96AA50D6FBEA7", i); // GET_NEXT_BLIP_INFO_ID
natives.DOES_BLIP_EXIST = (blip) => mp.game.invoke("0xA6DB27D19ECBB7DA", blip); // DOES_BLIP_EXIST
natives.GET_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_BLIPS = () => mp.game.invoke("0x9A3FF3DE163034E8"); // GET_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_BLIPS
natives.SET_BLIP_SCALE = (blip,scale) => mp.game.invoke("0xD38744167B2FA257",blip,scale); // SET_BLIP_SCALE
natives.SET_ENTITY_NO_COLLISION_ENTITY = (entity1, entity2, collision) => mp.game.invoke("0xA53ED5520C07654A", entity1.handle, entity2.handle, collision); // SET_ENTITY_NO_COLLISION_ENTITY

function clearBlips() {
    let last_blip = natives.GET_FIRST_BLIP_INFO_ID(5)
    while (natives.DOES_BLIP_EXIST(last_blip)) {
        last_blip = natives.GET_NEXT_BLIP_INFO_ID(5)

mp.events.add('removeTurfs', (player) => {


mp.events.addCommand("createturf", (player, fullText, name, factionid) => {
	if(player.info.admin < 1337) return player.pushError(`You are not authorized to use that command.`);
	if(factionid == undefined || name == undefined) return player.pushExample(`/createturf [name] [faction id]`);
	let turf = {
		turfName: name,
		pos: player.position,
		factOwnId: factionid,
		rotation: player.heading
	//let ln = Turfs.length;
	player.call('war_showZones', [JSON.stringify(turf)]);
	mp.events.call('createTurf', [JSON.stringify(turf)]);
	player.pushChat(`Turf added.`);
	player.sendMessageToAdmins(`[Staff] ${player.name} created a turf (ID: ${Turfs.length}).`, null, 'admin-message');

You have to create your own sql saving method but I guess you already know how to do that.

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