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Why is the drawText all buggy?


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Hello. I'm trying to make this script where my coordinates are displayed near the radar. However, it's all buggy for some reason, as you can see in the image in the link:


What are all those weird shapes?

My code is as follows:

mp.events.add('render', () => {
    var x = String(mp.players.local.position.x)
    var y = String(mp.players.local.position.y)
    var z = String(mp.players.local.position.z)
    var tamanho = 5
    var xCortado = x.substring(0tamanho);
    var yCortado = y.substring(0tamanho);
    var zCortado = z.substring(0tamanho);
    mp.game.graphics.drawText('X: ' + xCortado + ' Y: ' + yCortado + ' Z: ' + zCortado, [0.20.8], { 
      font: 2
      color: [1972550230], 
      scale: [0.50.5], 
      outline: false

It continues to bug if I don't add the last 4 variables.

mp.events.add('render', () => {
    var x = String(mp.players.local.position.x)
    var y = String(mp.players.local.position.y)
    var z = String(mp.players.local.position.z)
    mp.game.graphics.drawText('X: ' + x' Y: ' + y' Z: ' + z, [0.20.8], { 
      font: 2
      color: [1972550230], 
      scale: [0.50.5], 
      outline: false

Why is the drawText showing up like this? How can I fix it?

I figured out that the full squares represent ' - ' (negative numbers) and the empty squares are ' . '


The only problem was the font. I changed the font and it fixed 

Edited by Almeidowski
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mp.events.add('render', () => {

    var x = mp.players.local.position.x;

    var y = mp.players.local.position.y;

    var z = mp.players.local.position.z;

    mp.game.graphics.drawText('X: ' + x + ' Y: ' + y + ' Z: ' + z, [0.2, 0.8], { 

      font: 2, 

      color: [197, 255, 0, 230], 

      scale: [0.5, 0.5], 

      outline: false




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