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Color tip (in the command)

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Hi everyone! I'm creating a command using c #. I want to make the tooltip text color (if the command is not correct), using HEX.  For example, I want to set the color for the selected text, using # 00FF7F, instead of ~ g ~. How can I do that?




You can use !{#FFFFFF} format to color the chat.

For example:

player.SendChatMessage("Hello! !{#d68aff} this will be colored.");

Alternatively, you can set it in a constant or something:

public const string COLOR_CHAT_ME = "!{#d68aff}";

// and use it

[Command("test", $"Usage: {COLOR_CHAT_ME} /test [something]")]
public void CommandTest(Player player, string text)
	player.SendChatMessage($"Hello again! {COLOR_CHAT_ME}{text}!");


10 часов назад, Tonytza сказал:


You can use !{#FFFFFF} format to color the chat.

For example:

player.SendChatMessage("Hello! !{#d68aff} this will be colored.");

Alternatively, you can set it in a constant or something:

public const string COLOR_CHAT_ME = "!{#d68aff}";

// and use it

[Command("test", $"Usage: {COLOR_CHAT_ME} /test [something]")]
public void CommandTest(Player player, string text)
	player.SendChatMessage($"Hello again! {COLOR_CHAT_ME}{text}!");


I wanted to use the 2nd option, but when I try to do this - vs write that there should be a constant and an error occurs (that is why I ask).

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