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Migrating from 0.3.7 to 1.1

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I have a small problem, after migrating to 1.1, cars in the car dealership and garage do not spawn and chat does not work. Tell me please where what has changed, I can't find

В 07.09.2020 в 16:38, Xabi сказал:


 public static void OpenCarromMenu(Player player, int biztype)
            biztype -= 2;

            var prices = new List<int>();
            Business biz = BusinessManager.BizList[player.GetData<int>("CARROOMID")];
            foreach (var p in biz.Products)

            Trigger.ClientEvent(player, "openAuto", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(BusinessManager.CarsNames[biztype]), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(prices));

        public static void RemoteEvent_carroomBuy(Player player, string vName, string color)
                Business biz = BusinessManager.BizList[player.GetData<int>("CARROOMID")];
                NAPI.Entity.SetEntityPosition(player, new Vector3(biz.EnterPoint.X, biz.EnterPoint.Y, biz.EnterPoint.Z + 1.5));
               // player.FreezePosition = false;

                Main.Players[player].ExteriorPos = new Vector3();
                Trigger.ClientEvent(player, "destroyCamera");
                NAPI.Entity.SetEntityDimension(player, 1);//

                var house = Houses.HouseManager.GetHouse(player, true);
                if (house == null)
                    Notify.Send(player, NotifyType.Error, NotifyPosition.BottomCenter, $"У Вас нет личного дома", 3000);
                if (house.GarageID == 0)
                    Notify.Send(player, NotifyType.Error, NotifyPosition.BottomCenter, $"У Вас нет гаража", 3000);
                var garage = Houses.GarageManager.Garages[house.GarageID];
                if (VehicleManager.getAllPlayerVehicles(player.Name).Count >= Houses.GarageManager.GarageTypes[garage.Type].MaxCars)
                    Notify.Send(player, NotifyType.Error, NotifyPosition.BottomCenter, $"У Вас максимальное кол-во машин", 3000);

                var prod = biz.Products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == vName);
                if (Main.Players[player].Money < prod.Price)
                    Notify.Send(player, NotifyType.Error, NotifyPosition.BottomCenter, "Недостаточно средств", 3000);
                if (!BusinessManager.takeProd(biz.ID, 1, vName, prod.Price))
                    Notify.Send(player, NotifyType.Error, NotifyPosition.BottomCenter, "Машин этой модели больше нет на складе", 3000);
                MoneySystem.Wallet.Change(player, -prod.Price);
                GameLog.Money($"player({Main.Players[player].UUID})", $"biz({biz.ID})", prod.Price, $"buyCar({vName})");

                var vNumber = VehicleManager.Create(player.Name, vName, carColors[color], carColors[color]);
                Notify.Send(player, NotifyType.Info, NotifyPosition.BottomCenter, $"Вы купили {vName} с номером {vNumber}", 3000);
                Notify.Send(player, NotifyType.Info, NotifyPosition.BottomCenter, $"В скором времени она будет доставлена в Ваш гараж", 5000);
            catch (Exception e) { Log.Write("CarroomBuy: " + e.Message, nLog.Type.Error); }

Could you please tell me what to fix here?

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