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Problem with the game

Dmitriy Bonapart

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I haven't been able to play properly for a week. Wrote to Rockstar tech support. I was told they didn't have the problem. I have Windows 7. There is no possibility to update to 10, because there are a lot of important files on the computer. Let's move on to the problem itself, I hope you will solve it on my Windows. I start any server, it starts loading. This error POPs up during the download (follow the link) https://imgur.com/a/B0vQOOc . Then there's the fault (follow the link) https://imgur.com/a/1Vgs1jO . Then I play for 20-30 seconds and the game freezes dead. I tried all the ways, even reinstalled ALL 3 times. It doesn't help! I hope that you will fix this problem.

Edited by Dmitriy Bonapart
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