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[v0.3.5] Implementing Custom NameTags 1.0.0

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About This File

Hi everyone!
In need of a custom script for a Custom NameTag, I found the @hartority script, however, it was an outdated project and it had been made for version 0.2 of RageMP, with some references already removed, well, I bring you today the corrected code.


This script is a reliable edition of the one produced by @hartority with only a few references to the RageMP library, so all code is credit @hartority.
Let's start:
1. Go to "client_packages" folder in "RAGEMP/server-files" directory, usually:


2. Create a JavaScript archive (.js) named "customtag.js", example:

3. Inside the "customtag.js" paste this code:

const maxDistance = 25*25;
const width = 0.03;
const height = 0.0065;
const border = 0.001;
const color = [255,255,255,255];

mp.nametags.enabled = false;

mp.events.add('render', (nametags) => {
    const graphics = mp.game.graphics;
    const screenRes = graphics.getScreenResolution(0, 0);
    nametags.forEach(nametag => {
        let [player, x, y, distance] = nametag;
        if(distance <= maxDistance) {	   
            let scale = (distance / maxDistance);
            if(scale < 0.6) scale = 0.6;
            var health = player.getHealth();
            health = health < 100 ? 0 : ((health - 100) / 100);
            var armour = player.getArmour() / 100;
            y -= scale * (0.005 * (screenRes.y / 1080));
            mp.game.graphics.drawText(player.name.replace('_', ' '), [x, y],
              font: 4,
              color: [255, 255, 255, 255],
              scale: [0.4, 0.4],
              outline: true
            if(mp.game.player.isFreeAimingAtEntity(player.handle)) {
                let y2 = y + 0.042;
                if(armour > 0) {
                    let x2 = x - width / 2 - border / 2;
                    graphics.drawRect(x2, y2, width + border * 2, 0.0085, 0, 0, 0, 200);
                    graphics.drawRect(x2, y2, width, height, 150, 150, 150, 255);
                    graphics.drawRect(x2 - width / 2 * (1 - health), y2, width * health, height, 255, 255, 255, 200);

                    x2 = x + width / 2 + border / 2;
                    graphics.drawRect(x2, y2, width + border * 2, height + border * 2, 0, 0, 0, 200);
                    graphics.drawRect(x2, y2, width, height, 41, 66, 78, 255);
                    graphics.drawRect(x2 - width / 2 * (1 - armour), y2, width * armour, height, 48, 108, 135, 200);
                else {
                    graphics.drawRect(x, y2, width + border * 2, height + border * 2, 0, 0, 0, 200);
                    graphics.drawRect(x, y2, width, height, 150, 150, 150, 255);
                    graphics.drawRect(x - width / 2 * (1 - health), y2, width * health, height, 255, 255, 255, 200);


4. Save "customtag.js" file, and open "index.js" in "C:\RAGEMP\server-files\client_packages" directory and put this:



End! Just test it and tell me if something goes wrong :)

Usage example:



The original code topic of @hartority:

Thanks for all feedbacks,

thanks @hartority for your commitment
if you do not authorize this topic, please let me know

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such beast)

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