About This File
This is a simple module/script for changing the player model synced client/server. The values in the list are the model names that can be found on https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Peds. Click on a model in the list and you will switch to that model.
*F7* to open PedPicker Menu in game.
You should be able to just drop the files within the client_packages/packages directories and then add the requirements to the respective index.js files within those directories.
All source code is given from within the file download, but you can also find the repo here: AZAMOEBA_RAGE_PEDPICKER. If you are using this I'd appreciate a star or just let me know you found any of this useful. If I forgot a credit please let me know and I will get back to you and fix whatever is necessary. Enjoy!
Message for any comments/questions and I'll try to get back asap.
What's New in Version 1.0.1 See changelog
This is a simple module/script for changing the player model synced client/server. The values in the list are the model names that can be found on https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Peds. Click on a model in the list and you will switch to that model. Message for any comments/questions and I'll try to get back asap.
All source code is given from within the file download, but you can also find the repo here: GITHUB REPOSITORY: AZAMOEBA_RAGE_PEDPICKER. If you are using this I'd appreciate a star or just let me know you found any of this useful. If I forgot a credit please let me know and I will get back to you and fix whatever is necessary. Enjoy!
1.0.1: Removed unnecessary images from zip.