About This File
User Control System for all Roleplay Projects! Have fun!
Please note:
The upload avatar folder needs write access!
Version: 2.5
Added: New Site Settings Feature
Added: Download Section
Changed: Themes from UCP ( Left Navigation )
Changed: Login System
Changed: Session System for the Site Settings Feature
And a lot of minor changes.
Main requirements:
1. MySQL Server
2. Webserver
3. Php 8.x or newer
Features requirements:
1. Login & Register System
2. Staff Tools ( User Changer, Playerlist, News Creator, Rules Creator )
3. Language System ( English & German )
4. Support System
5. Profile Changer
6. Twitter System
7. and more
Have fun
Edited by DerStr1k3r
Version 2.5 is released
What's New in Version 1.7 See changelog
Latest release: UCP V1.7
Github URL: https://github.com/eodclan/User-Control-System
Demopage: https://ucpdemo.derstr1k3r.de/
1. Added: Avatar URL System
2. Fixed: Twitter System
3. Fixed: Rules & News Language System
4. Added: FAQ System
5. Re-Design: User Profile
6. Small bugs fixed
Have fun