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19 files

  1. RPF Packager for Mapping

    Get the latest release always from: https://github.com/test137E29B/RPF-Packager/releases
    A utility for automatically creating RPF files for Map Mods. This will not work for vehicle mods (yet)
    This tool uses PKG for NodeJS, so you will not need to install everything.
    Usage (from GitHub README file):
    In the input folder, create a folder with the name you want your DLC Pack to have, for example MYDLCPack. This has to be unique as it'll be used as the DLC hashname etc. In your newly created folder, create a folder called interior (or int). This is where you will place all your files for MLO Interiors. Do not place non-MLO files in here. In your newly created folder, create a folder called props. This is where you will place all your files for regular maps (such as ymaps in the world). Do not place MLO interior files in here. You will need a correctly generated _manifest file no matter which you are using, you can create this with CodeWalker. Run index.exe to package your DLC Pack (You can create multiple folders and package multiple DLC Packs at once!). The Max size of this DLCPack is 4GB - you can package multiple packs together in a single DLCPack if you like! In output you will find your folder with a dlc.rpf inside of it. The tool will have automatically generated all the files it needs, so you do not need to edit this rpf!  
    It doesn't work and crashes!
    Make sure you have a valid _manifest file - you can create one in CodeWalker. Without this file, the DLCPack will either crash or not load. Other issues causing crashes are usually the map, and not the DLCPack structure created by this helper. 


       (7 reviews)



  2. HeightMap file for X,Y coordinates

    The actual file is too big for RageMP, and is instead hosted on Git LFS. You can get it from my Github repository at
    The repository contains a helpful file with Z-heights for any given X,Y coordinate in GTA:V. I originally wrote a client-side script in JavaScript back in 2018 that would teleport the player in a grid pattern and grab the heights around him using:
    entity.getHeight(X, Y, Z, atTop, inWorldCoords); from  https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Entity::getHeight  
    This is not perfect, and I'm pretty sure that there exists proper height maps that would produce the same or something of higher quality.
    All heights are within a bounded box with a lower left point and upper right point in world coordinates:
    LOWER LEFT: (-4100,-4300) UPPER RIGHT: (4300, 7825) This covers the land of San Andreas and must of the surrounding waters.
    Beaware that some heights might be 0, but my experience is that this is only a few of them.
    To use:
    float height = GetHeightAtXY(goto.X, goto.Y); NAPI.Entity.SetEntityPosition(ply, new Vector3(goto.X, goto.Y, height));


       (1 review)



  3. Modules

    Modules for RageMP
    Hi everyone, i made this resource because the current resources loader on the server side is very scarce and not personalize, so i decided to make a couple of modifications trying that one as the owner / developer of it can have a more exact control of its resources, models, etc.
    How to install
    For this is necessary to change of directory our ragemp server location because file called updater.exe is going to remove our changes so i recommend you to change that. Move all folder of this repo to your server folder (Read step 1) and replace. For last, for start some resource you only need to add in resources.js Example
    I want to add my '_example_' resource.  
    And finally, you have to add it on your _resources.js_  


       (3 reviews)



  4. The xUCP is for all Roleplay Projects!

    In this User Control Panel, it is a completely new development. The xUCP is for all Roleplay Projects!
    Version V1.2 Changelog
    CSRF Login Token System CSRF Register Token System Small changes Download V1.2: https://github.com/eodclan/xucp/releases/tag/v1.2
    Github: https://github.com/eodclan/xucp
    Main requirements:
    MySQL Server Webserver Php 8.x or newer Features requirements:
    Login & Register System Staff Tools ( User Changer, Playerlist, News Creator ) Language System ( English & German ) Support System Profile Changer My Character Site Settings Feature Client & Server and more


       (4 reviews)

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  5. hot-loader

    This script allows developers to run and test their code while in game using their favorite code editor.
    Preview: https://streamable.com/3fz1ck
    Executes the code once you save the file Auto destroys the old entities created by hotloader to prevent duplicated entities created and improve rapid developing. Auto destroy old event listeners created by hotloader (`let myEvent = new mp.Event('render', ()=> {})`) , read below. Runs code server-side (hotloader/server/*) Runs code client-side (hotloader/client/*) Note this is not meant to be used in in production.
    How to use:
    Drag all the folders into server root (place the packages folder into your server/packages, and the hotloader folder in the server root)
    in root/hotloader you can do your testing in client.js or server.js or you can create new files in the same directory.
    You have to save the file to apply the chagnes.
    Auto entity/event remover is activated only when you declare entities with let/var in the main scope (not in if statements or functions)
    For events dont use mp.events.add, rather use `let myEvent = new mp.Event('eventName', function)` so hotloader can kill the event listener


       (7 reviews)



  6. User Control Panel

    User Control System for all Roleplay Projects! Have fun!

    Please note:
    The upload avatar folder needs write access!
    Version: 2.5
    Added: New Site Settings Feature
    Added: Download Section
    Changed: Themes from UCP ( Left Navigation )
    Changed: Login System
    Changed: Session System for the Site Settings Feature
    And a lot of minor changes.

    Main requirements:
    1. MySQL Server
    2. Webserver
    3. Php 8.x or newer
    Features requirements:
    1. Login & Register System
    2. Staff Tools ( User Changer, Playerlist, News Creator, Rules Creator )
    3. Language System ( English & German )
    4. Support System
    5. Profile Changer
    6. Twitter System
    7. and more
    Have fun


       (1 review)



  7. Mugshot / Pedshot - Upload to Server and then send to Imgur

    Hey all!
    Included in the package are the following files:
    1) packages/mugshot.js - include this from within your packages/index.js file such as require("mugshot");
    2) client_packages/mugshot.js - include this in your client_packages/index.js such as require("./mugshot.js");
    3) client_packages/mugshot (Folder) - upload this directly to your client_packages folder

    To take a screen simply call the event: prepareScreenshot
    Server side: player.call("prepareScreenshot"); Client side: mp.events.call("prepareScreenshot"); The process of taking a screenshot:
    Request the player headshot Wait 2 seconds for it to load (best result thanks to GTA Forums reference) Get the Pedheadshot TXD String for Sprite and set Variable to true to display sprite in Render event Sprite is shown on screen for 1 frame!  On the next call of Render - it will take a screenshot, which takes a screenshot of the previous frame. It will then stop processing the render event, unregister the pedheadshot and notify that a Headshot has been taken Client side will now trigger a HTML window to open ready to accept an event The event will trigger when the domReady is recieved and this event will contain the URL of the screenshot taken and the resolution of the game The HTML will then take the image, crop out only the mugshot and then convert it to base64 - roughly 50kb per mugshot The CEF will then notify Client Side to upload the data to the Server The server will recieve the Mugshot as a Base64 Image string (which can be decoded manually for testing at: https://base64.guru/converter/decode/image) It will then upload the Image currently to imgur with anonymous setting and provide you back the URL uploaded in console. To use IMGUR 
    Go to https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/addclient - Log into your Imgur account and create an Application
    Set the type to Anonymous
    Set the callback URL to: https://www.getpostman.com/oauth2/callback
    Give it a name, email and description
    Click submit and you will get your Client ID - add this to packages/mugshot.js
    NOTICE: You will see the mugshot appear on screen for a brief 1-2 frames however this is unavoidable no matter what I have tried as this is how the Screenshot tool takes the screenshot in the first place. 


       (4 reviews)



  8. Command&Event decorators [server-side/client-side]

    There is a server-side/client-side snippet which helps to registry any commands to Rage API with the simple interface by using decorators.
    Install via npm/yarn:
    $ npm i --save rage-decorators // or $ yarn add rage-decorators Docs and examples: https://github.com/READYTOMASSACRE/rage-decorators#readme
    Install (older version):
    If you're using typescript, make sure there two options (experimentalDecorators, emitDecoratorMetadata) are true in your tsconfig.json:
    { "compilerOptions": { "experimentalDecorators": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true }, } Interface command decorator
    /** * Decorator for adding commands to RAGE API * * @param {string | string[]} cmd - command(s) name, which will be added to mp.events.addCommand * @param {string | { group?: string, desc?: string }} params - additional params, add to group or add to description * * Supports templates in the desc param: * @template cmdName - name of command * @template groupName - name of group (if added in the additional params) * * @example desc parameter template: * `Usage: /{{cmdName}} id` * `Usage: /{{groupName}} {{cmdName}} id` * * decorator usage: * command("foo") * command(["bar", "baz"]) * command("foo", "foogroup") * command("bar", { group: "foogroup", desc: "Custom description"}) * */ export const command = (cmd: string | string[], params?: string | { group?: string, desc?: string }): MethodDecorator Interface event decorator
    /** * Decorator for adding events into RAGE API * * @param {string | string[]} eventName - event(s) name, which will be added to mp.events.add * * @example * decorator usage: * event("playerJoin") * event(["playerDeath", "playerQuit"]) */ export const event = (eventName: string | string[]): MethodDecorator Forum discussion:


       (1 review)



  9. elegant map editor

    Nice and clean UI Save maps (as json) Load maps to continue your work. Spawn objects / markers / vehicles Fast search in a list of thousands of objects (200ms maximum) Controls
    F to show/hide cursor WASD to move, Q/E for up or down Mouse click on an object with the crosshair (not cursor) to select it Arrow keys to move entity PG Up / PG Down move entity up/down CTRL + Arrow keys to rotate, CTRL + PG UP/ PG DOWN to rotate on X vector Hold Alt to rotate/move entities or yourself slowly Hold Shift to rotate/move entities or yourself faster CTRL + C to duplicate entity Delete to destroy F5 to open a list of all entities in the map, clicking an item will select it, some objects can only be selected from this menu. F4 to stop freecam and move your character around For installation, don't forget to require `./map-editor` in your client_packages
    Maps are saved in the root "maps" folder
    Credits for @Morbo for his noclip camera.
    Thanks to Fenrir for support
    Disclaimer: this map editor is a work of fiction, if there's similarities between this and MTA's map editor then its purely a coincidence.


       (2 reviews)



  10. Developer Helper

    Developer Helper
    - It will help to quickly turn on, off and restart the server, very convenient.

    How to install
    - Unzip all files in the "server-files" folder, then run .exe file and everything should work. The interface is intuitive.

    Sources on my github >.<


       (1 review)



  11. Vehicle Data Generator c#

    Here is my first little resource for the vehicle data generator, which you can edit and use for free
    Notcie that this is written as csharp system client and serverside
    In moment no pictures from it, but it is working fine, i tested it really


       (0 reviews)



  12. RAGE Editor: In-game JS editor w/ built-in IntelliSense

    RAGE Editor is a resource that allows you to write, test, and save JavaScript code without leaving the game.
    Derived from VS Code. RAGE Editor is built on top of Monaco Editor, which is the same text editor that powers VS Code. This means you can use familiar keybindings and color schemes when editing your code for maximum productivity. Multiple tabs and file management. You can create as many simultaneous tabs as you want in order to switch between testing environments. Tabs can be persisted to your local storage by any name and restored at any time, even through game restarts. Execute code on multiple environments. Run code dynamically on your local client, the server, or all other clients. You can also highlight a specific section of code and right click to run only that selection on any environment. Built-in up-to-date RAGE API typings w/ context switching. Typings for server-side and client-side RAGE APIs are fetched directly from GitHub to ensure you get the most up-to-date auto-complete and IntelliSense features without installing or setting up TypeScript. Local recently updated typing backups are also bundled with RAGE Editor in the event you're trying to work offline. You can switch between server-side and client-side typings with the click of a button. Configurable key binding. You can set the key binds to be any key you want for your server. Customizable user authentication using custom logic or built-in IP whitelisting. Without modification, you can specify a whitelist of IP addresses that will be able to access the editor in order to prevent anyone from running code on your server or other players, or you can omit whitelisting altogether to allow anyone to run code anywhere (not recommended, though). For more control, you can override this method by specifying your own logic to control who can access the editor, and which features they can use. See below. Dynamically move and resize the editor to your liking. In order to accommodate testing different UI components and optimizing for performance, you can drag/resize the editor to be any place and shape on your screen. Access convenient libraries such as rage-rpc. RAGE Editor uses rage-rpc under the hood to route code for remote execution. The editor also exposes a global rpc variable for you to use in your scripts for easy client<->server communication and testing!  
    Extract the provided rage-editor.zip file into your servers root. Installation is the same as any other resource. Don't forget to include the client_package in your client-side index.js: require('./rage-editor/index.js');        3. When in game, simply press the key binding (default is F8) in order to toggle the editor view.
    RAGE Editor gives you some flexibility in order to make it work smoothly in your environment.
    There is a config.json file located in packages/rage-editor/config.json. The default version of this file should look like something like this once you open it in a text editor:
    { "key": 119, // F8 "port": 8083, "whitelistIPs": [], "useNgrok": true } Options:
    key: The key that the player will press in-game to toggle the editor. This defaults to F8. You must use the decimal representation of the key for now. Check this link for keys: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/virtual-key-codes port: The port that the built-in web server will serve the editor from. Monaco Editor requires web workers to function, and Chromium won't load web workers unless they are over HTTP/HTTPS. It's recommended that you open this port and disable useNgrok for the best performance and reliability. More on this below. whitelistIPs: This is an array of IPv4 strings that you want to allow to use RAGE Editor. If the list is empty, anyone will be allowed to use it without restrictions. If the list is not empty, only players whose IPs are in the list will be able to open the editor. This means you can use it in a production environment if you really want to. Be careful who you give access as they will have the ability to execute any code they want on the server or other users. useNgrok: ngrok is a utility that can open an HTTP tunnel to your server without you having to open a port (similar to Hamachi), and it comes with RAGE Editor by default. With this option enabled, you do not have to open the port specified above. However, anonymous ngrok tunnels have a maximum life-span of ~8 hours and have a limit on concurrent open connections. It's recommended that you disable this and open the port specified above yourself. This way, traffic can directly talk to your server without going through a middleman. It will increase load-time as well as reliability. Ngrok is a good way to get started and is perfectly acceptable if you have a small number of people using RAGE Editor, or you don't use it often. Connections from the same computer will always be served from localhost, whether this option is enabled or not.  
    The UI for RAGE Editor is pretty straight-forward. The top left toolbar has a few buttons that do different things regarding tab and file management:
    New: Opens a blank new tab. Open: Opens a previously saved file. You can only open files that aren't already open in any other tab. Save: Saves the current tab. It will prompt you for a file name of your choice if the tab is fresh. It'll overwrite the existing data if it's not a fresh tab. Save As: Saves the current tab as a different file name, but does not change this tab to reference that new file. This is useful for saving different variations of the same file. The top right section of the toolbar has some buttons that relate to executing code and switching typing contexts:
    L: Run the current tab locally on the current user's client. S: Run the current tab on the server. C :Run the current tab on all clients, including the current user. Server-side/Client-side: This button swaps out the built-in typings for the RAGE API. If it says Server-side, server-side IntelliSense will be available in the editor. If it says Client-side, client-side API typings will be available in the editor. This doesn't alter your code in any way other than swapping out the TypeScript definitions. You can drag the editor around by clicking and holding the top toolbar where the buttons are. You can resize the editor by clicking and holding on the handle on the lower right of the screen.
    The bottom right of the editor shows the status of the editor. It'll tell you when it's loading type definitions, or when it's in the middle of executing code.
    Currently there is no way to view execution results or errors. This will change in the future!
    Customization / Interoperability
    Access Control
    RAGE Editor has a built-in IP whitelist solution for controlling who can access the editor when in-game. This is great for most users, however, other users might want more flexibility and control over who can access what, and when. Since the editor uses rage-rpc under the hood to ask the server if a certain user can use the editor, this functionality can easily be overridden by any resource developer by simply re-registering the procedure on the server, making the calculation however you wish, and replying to the client if they can access the editor. You can also configure which features of the editor they are able to use. This is called every time a player presses the key bind to open the editor.
    Here's an example:
    const rpc = require('rage-rpc'); // Allow players with the name "micaww" to open the editor and execute code on all contexts rpc.register('reditor:canPlayerUse', (_, { player }) => player.name === 'micaww'); // Allow players whose name starts with "Admin" to open the editor and execute on all contexts, but only allow other players to execute code locally rpc.register('reditor:canPlayerUse', (_, { player }) => { if(player.name.startsWith("Admin")) return true; return { l: true, c: false, s: false }; }); You can either return a boolean or an object with the properties l, c, and s.
    If you return true, the player will be able to open the editor and execute on all contexts. If you return false, the player won't be able to open the editor at all. The key bind will do nothing. If you return an object, the editor will open, but you will need to specify which contexts they are allowed to execute on. l: Local client c: All clients s: The server This gives you unlimited control over which players can access the editor and what they are able to access.
    There are a few events that RAGE Editor exposes for you to hook into:
    reditor:shown (Client-side): The editor has been shown. reditor:hidden (Client-side): The editor has been hidden. Here's an example usage to disable some custom chat.
    // client-side const chat = require('./my-juicy-package/customchat.js'); mp.events.add('reditor:shown', () => { chat.setActive(false); }); mp.events.add('reditor:hidden', () => { chat.setActive(true); }); Examples
    Server-side Execution: https://streamable.com/c432b
    Client-side Execution: https://streamable.com/oomuq
    Add me on Discord micaww#3032, or message me here on the forums for any help.
    Here is the GitHub if you would like to contribute or have an issue: https://github.com/micaww/rage-editor


       (6 reviews)



  13. [TOOL] AutoAffix - (Semi) Automate Archive Patching

    Hello everybody.
    I was recently introduced to ArchiveFix, which is being used to fix Archives, so we can use them on RageMP.

    It was a hassle, dragging every single .rpf onto the Application for each Mod, so I created a little Helper Tool for this use case.
    It's Open Source and Contributions are welcome. I'm currently thinking about looking for a way to automate Archive Unpacking/Repacking aswell.
    Source Code:
    GitHub Repository - AutoAffix
    GitHub - AutoAffix README.md
    Have fun with the Tool and if you encounter any Bugs, feel free to report them.
    Please read the README.md so the Tool can work as intended!


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  14. [Typescript + Webpack] Base client resource

    This package includes the base files for building client resources with Typescript. Code gets bundeld in a single rageclient.min.js file, also outputs a sourcemap.
    Note: This is an NPM package for managing development dependencies.
    - Webpack configuration
    - Typescript configuration
    - StaticImplements decorator
    - Singleton pattern
    Stargaze on GitHub:


       (2 reviews)



  15. Virtual client-side package

    This package will help you to save your client-side files from prying eyes. ( Files doesn't downloading on client pc )
    Support for import / exports (es6)
    Support for npm packages
      1. Copy virtual-clientside folder in packages folder your server
      2. Copy client_packages folder in the folder of your server
      3. Go to folder packages/virtual-clientside and open there command console
      4. Enter the command: yarn or npm i
      5. After installing all the packages, enter command: yarn watch or npm run watch for to run watching for files (for development).
      6. Complete. Now you can editing files in folder packages/virtual-clientside/client_package/src
    Try to use as many error handlers as possible try {} catch {}
    Files that are needed for CEF will not be downloaded by this package


       (2 reviews)



  16. WIKIParserRAGEMP

    Get data with tables WIKI and convert in array JSON
    Open by example https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=Pickups (its here data pickups), open source code page and take all tags in buffer, after <table> => <tr>, without <th>
    <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL</td> <td>-105925489 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL</td> <td>-1989692173 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_APPISTOL</td> <td>996550793 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_MICROSMG</td> <td>496339155 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_SMG</td> <td>978070226 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE</td> <td>-214137936 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE</td> <td>-546236071 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE</td> <td>-1296747938 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN</td> <td>-1766583645 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN</td> <td>-1456120371 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN</td> <td>-1835415205 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE</td> <td>-30788308 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER</td> <td>1765114797 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_MG</td> <td>-2050315855 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_COMBATMG</td> <td>-1298986476 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER</td> <td>779501861 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_RPG</td> <td>1295434569 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_MINIGUN</td> <td>792114228 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_GRENADE</td> <td>1577485217 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_STICKYBOMB</td> <td>2081529176 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_MOLOTOV</td> <td>768803961 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_PETROLCAN</td> <td>-962731009 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE</td> <td>483787975 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_KNIFE</td> <td>663586612 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_BAT</td> <td>-2115084258 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_HAMMER</td> <td>693539241 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_CROWBAR</td> <td>-2027042680 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_GOLFCLUB</td> <td>-1997886297 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK</td> <td>1587637620 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER</td> <td>-887893374 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_LASSO</td> <td>1724937680 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_WEAPON_LOUDHAILER</td> <td>2017151059 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_PARACHUTE</td> <td>1735599485 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_ARMOUR_STANDARD</td> <td>1274757841 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_HEALTH_STANDARD</td> <td>-1888453608 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_PISTOL</td> <td>-1521817673 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL</td> <td>-794112265 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_APPISTOL</td> <td>-863291131 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_MICROSMG</td> <td>-1200951717 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SMG</td> <td>-864236261 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SAWNOFF</td> <td>772217690 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_GRENADE</td> <td>-1491601256 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_MOLOTOV</td> <td>-2066319660 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE</td> <td>1705498857 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_STICKYBOMB</td> <td>746606563 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_HEALTH_STANDARD</td> <td>160266735 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_ARMOUR_STANDARD</td> <td>1125567497 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_MONEY_CASE</td> <td>-831529621 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_MONEY_DEP_BAG</td> <td>545862290 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_MONEY_MED_BAG</td> <td>341217064 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_MONEY_PAPER_BAG</td> <td>1897726628 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_PORTABLE_CRATE_UNFIXED</td> <td>1852930709 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_PORTABLE_PACKAGE</td> <td>-2136239332 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_AMMO_BULLET_MP</td> <td>1426343849 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_AMMO_MISSILE_MP</td> <td>-107080240 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_CAMERA</td> <td>-482507216 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_CUSTOM*******</td> <td>738282662 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_HANDCUFF_KEY</td> <td>155886031 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_HEALTH_SNACK</td> <td>483577702 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_MONEY_PURSE</td> <td>513448440 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_MONEY_SECURITY_CASE</td> <td>-562499202 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_MONEY_VARIABLE</td> <td>-31919185 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_MONEY_WALLET</td> <td>1575005502 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_SUBMARINE</td> <td>-405862452 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_TYPE_INVALID</td> <td>-723152950 </td></tr> <tr> <td>PICKUP_VEHICLE_CUSTOM*******</td> <td>-1514616151 </td></tr> Past this code in text input, next action, click button `Parse and Save`, saved file appears next to the program itself.

    And in this way you can translate into a convenient config 15 thousands + animations for your gamemode and other settings for configuring directly. For more detailed actions on the program itself, you can .exe open DotNet and correct it for your needs.


       (1 review)



  17. RAGE:MP Client Resources Cleaner

    Here is a small tool which might be useful if you want to clean up your client resources folder without having to search for your RAGE:MP folder.
    - Delete all client resources with one click
    - Deleting individual client resources
    - Double click to select a resource.
    Have fun with that! :-)


       (3 reviews)



  18. Converter XML to JSON

    I know what has very many online services and tools, but many RAGE-MP devs do not know where and what to get them for fast in a hurry. For people who make maps in MapEditor and output XML as a type, this utility will suit perfectly and speed. GLHF!


       (0 reviews)



  19. RAGE:MP ServerMan

    Before the great work of Rene Sackers is forgotten, I modified the ServerMan a little for Rage:MP.


       (1 review)



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