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  1. While locally everything works pretty well, when I tried to connect to my ragemp server in my ubuntu based machine in vultr.com, I see the following error message in my local machine: "ERROR: Can't establish secure connection, please try again. This is an error of the server you're playing on. Please report it to server administrators." While in my server, I can see the request was received by ragemp since I can read "Incoming connection from <my ip>", which seems correct. As extra information I can just say that the only thing I did after installing the ragemp server is open the 22005 (default port) in the server machine to the outside world with the command ufw allow 22005. I also tried to modify the conf.json file, for example enable-http-security: true and encryption: true , but I am still getting the same result. Any ideas what can be the reason? I can share more information if it can help. Thank you in advance!
  2. This tutorial aims to give you knowledge about how to use a webhook to log important events from your server right into a discord channel. Creating a Webhook Create a channel. Go to: Edit channel -> Integrations ->view webhooks -> New webhook Copy the webhook URL. I'll call mine Spicy. Using the Webhook Now we'll create a small server-side function that'll help us use the webhook. Notes: Replace <webhook URL> with the webhook URL that you just copied Replace <serverLogo URL> with the desired server logo picture URL. Now here's a small example of how to use it: // Triggers once player joins the server... // Simple log when player joins server mp.events.add('playerJoin', (player) => { mp.discord.sendMessage(`Player Joined`, player.name, [], mp.discord.colors.GREY); }); // Another one with fields included mp.events.add('playerJoin', (player) => { let fields = [{ name: `Player's IP`, value: player.ip, inline: false }] mp.discord.sendMessage(`Player joined the server [${mp.players.toArray().length}/${mp.config.maxplayers}]`, player.name, fields, mp.discord.colors.GREEN); }); Enjoy spamming discord.... Regards, Keptin
  3. Version 1.0.0


    The actual file is too big for RageMP, and is instead hosted on Git LFS. You can get it from my Github repository at https://github.com/Andreas1331/ragemp-gtav-heightmap The repository contains a helpful file with Z-heights for any given X,Y coordinate in GTA:V. I originally wrote a client-side script in JavaScript back in 2018 that would teleport the player in a grid pattern and grab the heights around him using: entity.getHeight(X, Y, Z, atTop, inWorldCoords); from https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Entity::getHeight This is not perfect, and I'm pretty sure that there exists proper height maps that would produce the same or something of higher quality. All heights are within a bounded box with a lower left point and upper right point in world coordinates: LOWER LEFT: (-4100,-4300) UPPER RIGHT: (4300, 7825) This covers the land of San Andreas and must of the surrounding waters. Beaware that some heights might be 0, but my experience is that this is only a few of them. To use: float height = GetHeightAtXY(goto.X, goto.Y); NAPI.Entity.SetEntityPosition(ply, new Vector3(goto.X, goto.Y, height));
  4. Hello. I've been meddling around with the RageMP API and I've learned most of it myself with the help of the discord members. Shoutout to Xabi, Sake and everyone else for helping me out with this language. Anywho I've come to realise that when I had started out there was nothing that would guide me through the process of making a server or creating the script for that matter. So here I bring you a YouTube playlist of the RageMP C# language tutorial. It is still under progress but I keep uploading new tutorials daily. And I mostly describe most of the elements so the videos might seem longer than usual tutorials. But I'd suggest to not skip anything and go over everything that I have to offer thoroughly. And if you do like my tutorials then do subscribe and like it too! And happy coding!
  5. Hello everyone! 🙂 First of all, i'm a random gta v modder and i'm very new to rage mp. I mod gta and many many games for few years. Before i was using other multiplayer modification which was mostly client-sided. I wasn't fan of it and community was so helpful that forced me to find better alternative. Then i heard a lot of good things about this app and it's possibilities from a friend of mine so i thought it would be nice to make my own server using rage mp. I saw on youtube that rage mp is everything from scratch: no traffic, npc's and so on. I know there is a wiki with "how to set up a server" and tutorials how to write functions & scripts but since i'm not programmer and never tried it, would like to ask if there any more friendly ways to make it work with your content on server? Like: traffic, scenarios (if it's possible), maps, graphics, weather, sounds (add-on too), new vehicles (add-on) / replace (working modkit in both cases?), scripts (what kind of?), peds, props etc. ? Here are some file formats i would like to know if they are working or not: .yft .ydr .ytd .ipl .ymt .ybn .dat .awc .rel .xml .meta and of course the most important if i can stream gameconfig.xml and main vehicles.meta (vanilla) I've searched on the forum what type of files can be streamed server-side but didn't found an answer. Rage mp supports streaming .rpf's ? If yes it would be great since I know rockstar limitations of loading files outside of .rpf (famous 16mb). I also need to know what are the limitations of this multiplayer. Tell me everything u know about it. If some of the things i mentioned above are not working or are actually in progress & plans, please let me know. I'm really looking forward for further updates! 😃 Ps. Sorry if the whole topic looks like a mess and sorry for my bad english. Greetings, RageVision.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Server-sided script, that getting a real weather hourly and sets it in the gta 5 world. HowTo: I. Install getJSON: npm install get-json --save II. Go to https://developer.accuweather.com/ and register as the Developer. III. To get your new API key, create your WeatherAPP here, https://developer.accuweather.com/user/me/apps On the question: "What programming language is your APP written in?" Answer will be: JavaScript. IV. Go to https://www.accuweather.com/ and find your preferred location on the map or by the search field, for example: Moscow, Russia. To set more accurate location to your preferred, click on the nearest point on the map, for me it is Yakimanka, then click on 'Hourly". V. The URL will look like this: https://www.accuweather.com/en/ru/yakimanka/2515350/hourly-weather-forecast/2515350 Well, 2515350 is the Location Key that we will use further. VI. Let's assemble your AccuWeather URL: http://dataservice.accuweather.com/forecasts/v1/hourly/1hour/YOUR_LOCATION_KEY?apikey=YOUR_API_KEY VII. Paste new AccuWeather URL into the script and save it. Warning! The Trial Version of AccuWeather is limited for 50 requests per day. GitHub
  7. Good day. I recently decided to migrate my server to a newer version of RageMP (up to 1.1) and ran into the problem of missing some methods (methods related to ColShape, TextLabel and Blip's). I know for sure that version 1.1 is installed on the RageMP client and server: the client logs into the server without any problems and the server supports NetCore 3.1. When starting a server with a connected resource, this error occurs: Code: At the same time, the server works without problems and you can go to it - the function for creating Blip simply does not work. Then I tried to replace Bootstrapper.dll on the server (in the runtime folder) with Bootstrapper.dll from a C # project. And this measure helped, but not completely: this time the server was creating a Blip (there was no error during creation and it was displayed on the minimap), but an error occurred when calling the NAPI.ColShape.IsPointWithinColshape method. Then I found out that the original Bootstrapper.dll files (before replacing the one described above) are different on the server and in the project: In this case, the project uses this version of the API: Please help me solve this problem.
  8. Version 1.0.1


    Internet radio over colshapes using CEF. Scope of application: custom clubs, interiors. Default location is the Galileo Observatory (behind the monument). Default radio station - Wacken Radio (DE). Installation: I. Put server files to: server-files\packages\yourGameMode II. Add require('./rStreamColshapes'); to your server's index.js III. Put client files to: client_packages then edit your client's index.js and add require('./rStream'); To change radio stream url, edit index.html here: client_packages\cef\rStream\index.html GitHub
  9. AttachEntityToEntity - GTA Network Wiki NAPI.Entity.AttachEntityToEntity(...) Method doesn't exist in v1.1, How can I attach entities at v1.1?
  10. I mapped objects in CodeWalker and decided to implement server side loading RAGE.MP. But there is a problem that when creating an object via mp.objects.new (), for some reason, rotation does not work .. In XML, rotation consists of 4 values (Quaternion), but RAGE.MP accepts Vector3 Tell me how you can convert values? Found in npm packages three.js library But when I convert from quaternion, the object in the game does not rotate like in CodeWalker .. Gentlemen, developers, tell me how you can rotate the object correctly. Here's a sample code how I convert: var three = require("three"); var object = { "model":"Prop_Container_01d", "position": ["2382.63900000","-2260.29900000","134.54850000"], "rotation": ["0.00000000","0.00000000","0.00000000","1.00000000"], "dimension": 0 }; var quaternion = new three.Quaternion(parseFloat(object.rotation[0]), parseFloat(object.rotation[1]), parseFloat(object.rotation[2]), parseFloat(object.rotation[3])); var convertedRotation = new three.Euler().setFromQuaternion( quaternion ); mp.objects.new(mp.joaat(object.model), new mp.Vector3(parseFloat(object.position[0]), parseFloat(object.position[1]), parseFloat(object.position[2])), { rotation: new mp.Vector3(parseFloat(convertedRotation.x), parseFloat(convertedRotation.y), parseFloat(convertedRotation.z)), dimension: object.dimension });
  11. Hello everyone. I found the minimap.ytd file but don't know how to change the blips in it. I need to put my own blips instead of these 4 blips. I need the bmw, mercedes, ferrari and audi logos. How do I change them and add my own. How to add them to the rage mp server. (Hopefully just via dlc.rpf)
  12. SERVER-SIDE download http://www.mediafire.com/file/tcg9vw00uwxdk0v/con_man_Skazi_-_RAGEMP.rar/file Unzip password: 98039560 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the server-side I bought at 180USD in the hands of a scammer. He claimed to support me for 10 days. When the server-side sent me, he said that his computer was broken and wanted me to buy him some money For computer accessories, I paid him 140USD again, and then he ignored me and blocked me in whatsapp I have not made any changes to the server-side. You can modify and use it at will. Don't go to that liar. The scammer's Discord: skazi # 5686 The scammer's Whatsapp: +55 22 99209-2809 The scammer's paypal: [email protected] This is the bill I paid him 180USD https://imgspice.com/7pc1impa69cu/180.png.html 140USD https://imgspice.com/lv49a5avhblx/140.png.html Dynamic business system Clothes store with 300+ clothes in a list with sync of undershit General Store Weapon Store Car Dealership Boat Dealership Truck Delaership Plane Dealership Barber Shop Barber Shop ------------ Ilegal Jobs Weed farm Cocaine farm Robbery Player ------------- Dynamic Faction System Los Santos PD (all functions of PD, cuff, arrest, drag, and others...) EMLS (all functions of EMLS) Grove Street Family (Function to robbery stores, robbery banks, turf wars) Front Yard Ballas (Function to robbery stores, robbery banks, turf wars) Mafia Yakuza (function to robbery bank, stores, and sell weapons) Mafia Russian (function to robbery bank, stores, and sell weapons) Other Systems Vehicle Engine System Player Vehicle System ATM System Backpack System Mask System Unknow player system Animation system with shortcut Local voice system Phone CEF System with voice call Helmet system Death system with CEF Dynamic Entrace System Pointfinger system GTA V Sky Position system Seatbelt system Realtime and weather dynamic system Characters system Character creation CEF system Inventory System CEF System Whitelist manage system Fuel System Robbery NPC System Robbery Player System Robbery Bank System 8 Type of Jobs (mechanic, taxi, trucker, farm, salt farm, drug farm, food delivery and others) Backpack system Vehicle Damage system Level System VIP System VIP Store System Boombox system with radios of web (still in beta) Vehicle radio system with radios of web (still in beta) Cinema System Lottery System Bux System and others...
  13. I'm looking at GTANetworkAPI.NAPI.Player methods ans see only FreezePlayerTime, but cant understand what that thing do... at least it is not freezing player position. Any ideas how to freeze player??? I'm using RAGEMP-Bootstrapper 1.1.3 P.S. Freeze player client side is bad idea.
  14. Chrome debugger is one of the great features used in server-side to do fast Javascript evaluations, and debug your running code. Installation: 1) Install Nodejs v8 inspector in to chrome. 2) Add "node-commandline-flags": "--inspect" to your conf.json 3) Start your ragemp-server.exe and it should open you a new tab in your browser. You should get something like that in your server console node commandline flags: --inspect Debugger listening on ws:// Debugger attached. and here's the debugger window.... Now you are good to go.
  15. The command&events decorators (@command, @commandable, @event, @eventable) Information Installation Disadvantages Examples Sources Event decorator 1. Information: There is a snippet which helps to registry any commands/events to Rage API with the simple interface by using decorators. Library: rage-decorators [github] [npm-package] If you're using typescript, make sure there two options (experimentalDecorators, emitDecoratorMetadata) are true in your tsconfig.json: { "compilerOptions": { "experimentalDecorators": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true }, } 2. Installation: Via npm: $ npm i --save rage-decorators Via yarn: $ yarn add rage-decorators 3. Disadvantages: Disadvantage 1: the snippet requires rage-decorators package 4. Examples: Simple example: My example of command list: 5. Source: Sources is now allowed on github repository and as npm package: https://github.com/READYTOMASSACRE/rage-decorators the source of decorators.ts (server-side only, for supporting events, client-side usage npm package) the source of decorators.js (server-side only, for supporting events, client-side usage npm package) 6. Event decorator: Event decorator is now avaliable in npm package, here an usaging example: import { eventable, event } from 'rage-decorators' @eventable() class Foo { @event("playerJoin") playerJoin(player: PlayerMp): void { console.log(`Player[${player.id}]${player.name} has joined to the server`) } }
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Simple solution to check incoming connections from unwanted countries. I. Install geoip-Lite: npm i geoip-lite II. Edit country_ban list with the specified country codes https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/legacy/codes/iso3166/ III. Save and put this script to "server-files\packages" and add require('./countryBan'); in index.js
  17. Hello to all! I have a question about chat messaging. I read the OnChatMessage documentation. There was an example for filtering bad words. The [DisableDefaultChat] attribute was used to disable the default chat behavior, but it was written that this attribute was not yet implemented. What can I use instead of this attribute for the same behavior? Thank you in advance
  18. Hello to all, I started learning API on the c # serve side. I tried to write a spawn system player. I checked the documentation and found the code: [DisableDefaultOnConnectSpawn] [ServerEvent(Event.PlayerConnected)] public void OnPlayerConnected(Client player) { NAPI.Player.SpawnPlayer(player, new Vector3(2, 5, 8)); // Will spawn the player at the given position } My compiler is showing me an error: the type or namespace “DisableDefaultOnConnectSpawnAttribute” could not be found. Can anybody help me? Thank you in advance
  19. tl;dr: - How to check if player is carrying a specific weapon - How to check how much ammo he is carrying Hello, i hope that this is the right subforum for my problem. I am trying to make an armory where players can take and put weapons/ammo. The "take" is working fine, but I don't find a way to check (on server-side) if a player carries the weapon he wants to put in and how much ammo he is carrying, so when a player wants to put a weapon in the armory, i don't know if hes actually carrying the weapon. In the wiki i have found: Player::getWeaponAmmo (not working with weapon hash, always returns 0) Player::weaponAmmo (don't know how to use) Player::weapons (don't know how to use) Player::allWeapons (returns "{}") Regards, Pacco (i'm not a native english speaker, so please have indulgence)
  20. Включаю server.exe. Вылвзит ошибка: (тут должен быть путь к файлу)\server.exe не является приложением Win32. Если что, это Windows XP 32-bit.
  21. Как вызвать клиентское событие с сервера? Метод ::callRemote не существует, метод ::call не вызывает сторону клиента, лишь сервера.
  22. kostya_nad


    Server crashes when I go to this place (https://imgur.com/a/zKigh) It was MySQL connection is too long. Please close or delete!!
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