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Found 9 results

  1. ynhhoJ

    Custom chat

    Version 1.0.2


    This is a simple example of using a custom chat in RAGE MP. You can set time of hide chat from chat.js: hide_chat: 15000 // in milliseconds
  2. Hallo ich habe mich anfangs mit der Thematik Custom Skys für Grand RP beschäftigt. Erstmals hatte ich mir selbst einen anfertigen lassen und nach ein paar russischen Videos konnte ich dann auch schon meinen eigenen Sky entwerfen und jetzt auch schon benutzen. Nun habe ich mich an ein Custom Outfit gewagt. Sprich ich habe über OpenIV den Ordner „mpchristmas2017“ geöffnet und in den files dann die beiden Files gefunden einmal das Oberteil in der 3D ansicht und einmal das Raster als PNG zum bearbeiten. Bilder kann ich leider gerade nicht einfügen da ich diesen Beitrag aufm Handy schreibe. Fakt ist sobald ich die Dlc.rpf datei von dem Ordner Mpchristmas2017 mit den neuen PNG also meinem custom outfit versehe bekomme ich bei spielstart eine Fehlermeldung, dass meine Spieldatein überprüft gehören. Kann mir hier bitte einer mit Erfahrung in diesem Bereich auf Discord weiterhelfen! Meine ID wäre die ᴀʀᴛᴇᴍɪsシ#9796 Ich würde mich wirklich sehr freuen wenn mir hier jemand helfen könnte! ———————————————————— Hello, I initially dealt with the topic of custom skys for Grand RP. For the first time I had one made for myself and after a few Russian videos I was able to design my own Sky and now I can already use it. Now I've ventured into a custom outfit. In other words, I opened the "mpchristmas2017" folder via OpenIV and then found the two files in the files: the upper part in the 3D view and the grid as a PNG for editing. Unfortunately, I can't add pictures right now because I'm writing this post on my cell phone. The fact is, as soon as I add the Dlc.rpf file from the Mpchristmas2017 folder with the new PNG, i.e. my custom outfit, I get an error message at the start of the game that my game files need to be checked. Can someone please help me with experience in this area on Discord! My ID would be this ᴀʀᴛᴇᴍɪsシ#9796 I would be really happy if someone could help me here!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Overview This is a highly customizable and responsive interact menu script that does not require any CEF magic. All of the components of this menu come from mp.game.graphics. There is an example.js included in the repository files that set up a menu manager along with two menus that you can switch between. Installation Place the interact folder inside your client_packages folder. Paste the below code into your client_packages/index.js file. require('./interact/example'); Controls These can be easily customized through RAGE, but if you are trying the example, hold the B key while using your mouse to navigate and press left mouse button to confirm selection. API Usage Getting required classes const Menu = require('./interact/menu'); const MenuManager = require('./interact/manager'); Setting up a menu /** * @param {Number} [maxItems] Max amount of items that will show when the menu is open. * @param {Number} [itemScale] Size of each selectable item in the menu. * @param {Number} [wheelScale] Size of texture in the center of the menu. * @param {Number} [radius] Size of each selectable item in the menu. * @param {RGBA} [color] Default color for all items (unless altered for each individual item added) * @param {RGBA} [hoverColor] Default hover color for all items (unless altered for each individual item added) * @param {Array} [wheelTexture] [textureDict, textureName] of the menu's center. * @param {Array} [backgroundTexture] [textureDict, textureName] of the optional background for items. */ const sampleMenu = new Menu(maxItems, itemScale, wheelScale, radius, color, hoverColor, wheelTexture, backgroundTexture); Adding items to the menu /** * @param {String} name Item identifier. * @param {String} textureDict Item icon texture dictionary. * @param {String} textureName Item icon texture name. * @param {Boolean} [background] Whether the item should have the optional background (recommended for icons without backgrounds). * @param {Boolean} [closeMenu] Whether the menu should be closed on item select. * @param {RGBA} [color] Color for the item in the menu (default takes color from the menu). * @param {RGBA} [hoverColor] Hover color for the item in the menu (default takes hover color from the menu). * @param {Function} callback Callback to execute on item select. */ sampleMenu.add(name, textureDict, textureName, background, closeMenu, color, hoverColor, () => { mp.game.graphics.notify('Button 1'); }); Setting up the menu manager /** * @param {Menu} mainMenu The menu that opens when manager is displayed. */ const menuManager = new MenuManager(mainMenu); Using the menu manager /** * @param {Menu} menu The menu to switch to (use this in callback if you want complex menus). */ menuManager.switch(menu); /** * @param {Boolean} toggle Toggle menu visibility. */ menuManager.display(toggle); // Running this executes the callback associated with the selected item. menuManager.select(); // This must be placed in the clientside render event menuManager.render() Github Link
  4. Version 1.0.0


    What is this? This is a @MrPancakers's custom chat with scroll bar with a simple addition - it adds option to use arrow up, down key to move thru your chat history. Just like in SAMP! How to install? Extract everything into client_packages folder and add the chat script into your index.js. require("/chat/index.js"); Note This may include some bugs and I do not provide "tech support" for it This was created in version 0.3.7 Credits @MrPancakers (https://rage.mp/profile/5511-mrpancakers/)
  5. Hello everyone. I found the minimap.ytd file but don't know how to change the blips in it. I need to put my own blips instead of these 4 blips. I need the bmw, mercedes, ferrari and audi logos. How do I change them and add my own. How to add them to the rage mp server. (Hopefully just via dlc.rpf)
  6. Hey guys, I want to create my own "decals" for a RAGE MP Server and can't find the Data for them. Does anyone know how I can create my own "decals"? https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Male_Decals
  7. So i started to Skin Vehicles for Arma 3, and now since GTA V RP is out i want to skin Cars for GTA V as well. What could i need: The knowledge how to find the Texture of ANY vehicle, since i want to possibly skin them all. What programms do i need? (Im using Photoshop and Illustrator for Arma 3) Thanks if anyone knows the answer. ^^
  8. Как реализовывать кастомный чат? У меня есть такое представление по его реализации: Скрыть дефолтный чат, запретить открывать его, с помощью cef вывести свою модель чата и в нее помещать сообщения. Если у меня правильное представление, то подскажите, как текст сообщения, присланный с сервера через SendChatMessage и т.п. функции, вставить в свою модель чата? Если же у меня не верное представление, то как тогда его реализовывать?
  9. Is it possible to change car textures in RageMP via scripting or any other way?
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