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Found 8 results

  1. Hello, I've been looking for quite a while to see if anyone wrote a guide on adding EUP to a RAGE:MP server, but couldn't find anything other than some general explanations on adding clothes, or some explanations that weren't too helpful. Well, after messing around for a bit, I figured it out, wrote a program that grabbed all clothing files from EUP and renamed them so their IDs are in order. After that I simply added them to the mpClothes archive and it works perfectly. So, to save anyone the trouble in the future, here's an easy way to get EUP in your server. One issue though - props (hats & glasses) from EUP are not included, I didn't get those to work (yet). I'll make sure to update this package as soon as I figure out how to add those. Everything else, though, should be in this package. Also a quick warning: if you are already using mpClothes on your server to add custom clothes, open the spoiler: Installation: Simply drag the mpclothes folder into your server files/client_resources/game_resources/dlcpacks. That's it, you're all set & EUP should work in your server. Download link as well as some additional information: https://racenchase.com/eup
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Simple cloth menu, you can open it by pressing F2. This script requires NativeUI library, download it from the resources tab. It's my first resource, do not expect too much. https://github.com/Snakewiz/ClothesMenu
  3. Hello everybody! I'm sorry for my English, I don't know it well. Please tell me how you can add new clothing slots. For example, there are only 101 IDs for shoes. How can I add new slots to the dlc file that will go after 101? Example 102, 103, etc. I think this information will be needed by many people who do not want to replace clothes, but want to add a new one
  4. Still can't understand how to set clothes correctly (especially, "tops", component 11) They look like this https://i.imgur.com/SPesOUK.jpeg And if I remove clothes first like I've been told to do here It still looks like shit https://i.imgur.com/GKIqyqL.jpg I searched a lot and found nothing on how to fix this, or maybe I'm retarded, just can't understand how to work that out There are so-called "torsos" https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Male_Torsos I can set a combination of torso and top clothing so that the body doesn't show up The question is... how do I know what combination to set. Or I should check each clothing manually. I hope not. Please help 😟
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This should save you some time writing your own syncing when it comes to using player.setClothes() for values over 255 until 1.0 gets released. The download has example scenarios/commands you can use. Serverside Functions: player.changeClothes(Number componentId, Number drawable, Number texture, Bool save, Bool sync) player.resetClothes() Save parameter: By setting this to true the script will remember these values and re-apply these when using player.resetClothes() Sync parameter: If you set this parameter to false the clothes will only be applied on the target client. Set this to true and everyone will see the clothes! Demonstration: This GIF has both save and sync parameter set to false to preview the selected item before actually purchasing it. Once purchased, both save and sync are set to true to remember the purchased item and to sync it to all other clients https://imgur.com/a/gsySyPc And this GIF shows the same interaction but from the other client https://imgur.com/a/0IankaB
  6. Здравствуйте подскажите пожалуйста как сделать магазин масок, магазин одежды есть, нужен именно отдельный магазин масок для RP сервера, желательно скрипт )
  7. Good evening, I have a big problem with the two methods mentioned above in the title, I try to get the clothes that my player wears on him, the problem is that every time the method GetClothesDrawable returns to me the value 0, no matter which slot I give it to you, do you have any idea how I can do to get the hold that my player wears? Thank you in advance for your answer.
  8. Я посмотрел список одежды и не нашёл там одежду медиков, рабочих стройки , полицейских и военных Кто знает id их одежды?
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