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We are on the lookout for talented .NET/C# Developers that consider software development to be a craft and who can help us build something great. The ideal candidate possesses a passion for tackling complex problems at scale. This is a part-time position ... 🛠️ WHAT WE WANT TO DO We want to create a dedicated server for the RageMP Community players. We want to create a role play server with REAL unique ideas. We want to improve existing features as well as architect new solutions. We want to create innovative in-game experiences, including user-generated content. 📖 RESPONSIBILITIES Develop distributed online game services and APIs in .NET/C# Create and support online enabled in-game features that enhance the gameplay experience. Participate in system design and peer code reviews. Collaboration with other Rockstar technology teams across our worldwide studios. 🎌 QUALIFICATIONS Minimum 2+ years of experience developing. Possess versatility and willingness to regularly tackle new challenges. Passion for web technologies and a desire to remain up to date with the latest technologies. Knowledge of code architecture fundamentals. ➕ PLUSES Please note that these are desirable skills and are not required to apply for the position. - Very good english speaking; - Rational, mature (grown-up); - Team work; __________________________________________ Please apply here/private message with some info, how you meet the skills above. If we would like to move forward with your application we will respond directly to you on this thread or on a private message to establish future meetings. If you’ve got the right skills for the job, we want to hear from you. We encourage applications from all suitable candidates regardless of age, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, belief, or race.
Willkommen in Los Santos: Dein Abenteuer beginnt! Hallo allerseits! Wir freuen uns, euch zu unserem brandneuen GTA 5 RP Server einzuladen, der im Dezember seine Pforten öffnet. Unser Server bietet ein einzigartiges und immersives Rollenspiel-Erlebnis in der Welt von Los Santos. Taucht ein in eine pulsierende Metropole, in der ihr die Freiheit habt, eure eigenen Geschichten zu schreiben und euren Charakter nach euren Wünschen zu gestalten. Was wir bieten: Eine sorgfältig kuratierte Welt mit einer lebendigen Rollenspiel-Community. Eine Vielzahl von Berufen und Aktivitäten, um eure Rollenspiel-Träume zu verwirklichen. Spannende Fraktionen und Gangs, die um die Kontrolle der Stadt kämpfen. Eine eigene Wirtschaft und Immobilienmarkt. Regelmäßige Events und Storylines, um die Stadt lebendig zu halten. Aktive und engagierte Admins, die für ein faires und unterhaltsames Spielerlebnis sorgen. Wie könnt ihr teilnehmen: Unser Server wird im Dezember online gehen, und wir können es kaum erwarten, euch in unserer Community zu begrüßen. Um Teil unseres Abenteuers zu werden, haltet Ausschau nach weiteren Informationen und Ankündigungen auf unserer Website und unseren Social-Media-Plattformen. Bereitet euch darauf vor, eure kühnsten Träume in Los Santos zu leben. Egal, ob ihr ein Unternehmer, ein Gesetzeshüter, ein Gangmitglied oder ein einfacher Bürger sein wollt – hier findet jeder seinen Platz. Folgt uns auf DISCORD für Updates und Neuigkeiten. Bleibt dran, denn wir haben viele aufregende Überraschungen für euch geplant! Wir können es kaum erwarten, euch in unserer RP-Welt willkommen zu heißen. Bis bald in Los Santos!
- Roleplay Server
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Since our server is based around the Dutch language, this post shall continue in Dutch. Azure Roleplay is een Nederlandstalige GTA 5 Voice RP server in ontwikkeling op RAGE Multiplayer, gericht op high-end storytelling roleplay. De server is tot stand gekomen na ontevredenheid van beide oprichters over de huidige Nederlandstalige roleplay communities en servers op GTA 5. Azure's visie is gebaseerd op 3 hoofdpilaren die dienen als fundament voor alle ontwikkelingen en keuzes rondom de server. Pilaar I - Roleplay Voorop Op deze server staat roleplay altijd voorop. De focus ligt hier voornamelijk op high-end storydriven scenario's. Dit houdt in dat de voorkeur altijd uit gaat naar originele en creatieve roleplay die memorabel is voor alle spelers. Het eindeloos grinden wordt hier niet gepromoot en Azure's staff doet hun best om roleplay ook zo veel mogelijk te belonen op een gepaste manier. Hopelijk resulteert dit in meer focus op kwalitatieve roleplay dan kwantitatief grinden voor geld. Gaandeweg zal het server management ook initiatieven opzetten om deze pilaar nog meer te stimuleren. Pilaar II - Toxic Nultolerantie Als iets niet getolereerd wordt op Azure Roleplay is het toxic gedrag of "trolling". Negativiteit is iets wat hier niet gewaardeerd wordt en zal dan ook hard en direct aangepakt worden. De staff staat altijd open voor volwassen en constructieve discussies, maar spelers met een bekrompen mindset kunnen betere een andere community zoeken. Azure's einddoel is om een aangename omgeving te creëren voor al haar spelers, waar men met plezier kan spelen. Pilaar III - Stabiel Server Beheer Als er iets funest is voor spelers van een grote en actieve community, is het abrupt sluiten ervan. Azure Roleplay is dan ook gebouwd op een stabiel server beheer wat elkaar al langer dan 15 jaar in het echt kent. Er zal professioneel en betrouwbaar gehandeld worden in alle situaties. Zo willen wij waarborgen dat niemand zijn of haar dierbare karakters en assets verliest om wat voor een reden dan ook. Azure Roleplay streeft ernaar om anders dan andere GTA V roleplay servers te zijn. Wij hopen dit met deze server features te verwezenlijken. Uniek Script Framework Het Azure Roleplay script is een uniek framework wat in zijn geheel is bedacht en ontwikkeld door het development team. Op de server vind je bekende features en concepten uit de GTA V roleplay wereld, maar ook vernieuwende ideeën en systemen. Wij draaien dus niet op een standaard-framework of dergelijken. Dit is een authentieke server, zoals geen ander. GTA Storyworld De Grand Theft Auto storyworld is in-game overal om je heen te zien en te beleven. Daarom omarmen wij bij Azure Roleplay deze ook in ons doen en laten. Zo werk je bij ons op de server ook niet bij het Nederlandse politiekorps, maar bij de Los Santos Police Department (LSPD). Ook heet de stad gewoon Los Santos en worden merknamen gehanteerd zoals gevestigd in de GTA games zelf. Dit houdt de roleplay duidelijk en strak qua communicatie. Hiermee hopen wij meer immersie te creëren voor alle spelers. Organization System Het "organization system" bij Azure Roleplay is een systeem wat aangeboden wordt aan spelers die van plan zijn om een eigen organisatie te starten in het legale of illegale circuit. Via dit systeem kan het Azure staff-team initiatieven ondersteunen en motiveren. Zo wordt creatieve roleplay nog meer gestimuleerd en hopen wij dat spelers hun eigen plannen zo volledig mogelijk kunnen waarmaken. Om Azure Roleplay te joinen raden wij jou aan om jezelf toe te voegen aan onze Discord via Hierop vind je alle benodigde informatie over het registreren, ons whitelist proces en de meeste recente informatie over de server. Let wel, deze server staat nog in haar kinderschoenen en zal de komende maanden hard haar best doen om te groeien qua community zowel als script. Dit doen wij graag samen met jullie, als spelers, en input is dan ook zeer welkom!
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Hey all, looking into getting into some scripting for Rage, I know a fair amount but something I seem to have hit a roadblock with and cant find any answers to is whether or not it is possible to set up regions, for example lets say i wanted the whole map to be able to do a pick locking script, but if you are at Mission Row PD, that script is disabled whilst you are in the region. Could anyone advise me on this? Many Thanks
Looking for a job script/suggestions Like Taxi, Trucker, Miner, Ect
Moin, seit ein paar Tagen beschäftigt ich mich mit RageMP. Und versuche seit mehreren Tagen schon Scripts auf mein RageMP Server zu bekommen, leide, funktioniert es nicht warum auch immer... Ich weiß nicht was ich falsch mache, dass die Scripts nicht laden, aber etwas läuft schief. Vlt. Kann mir jemand Helfen? (Wäre echt nett) Danke schonmal für die Hilfe! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Marvin
RageV | RP | RageMP 1.1 RageV eine neue Ära beginnt! Wir sind ein Team das aus leuten mit jahrelanger erfahrung im Ragemp bereich besteht. Unser Server wurde auf Midcore RP aufgebaut! Wir sind aktuell in der Endphase der Entwicklung von unserem Server, wir Programmierten alles Selber und haben kein Pay Code oder sonstiges! Was können wir bieten? Leistungstarker Dedicated Server Zuverlässiger Hoster Entwickler mit jahrelanger Erfahrung im Ragepm bereich! Aktuell suchen wir noch Teamleader mit folgenden Posten: Community Manager Admin Mapper Supportleitung Supporter In unserem Discord könnt ihr mitverfolgen in Dev-Logs wie sich der Server aktuell entwickelt und wann wir Releasen werden! Interesse geweckt? Dan komm rein und überzeug dich selbst! Das Team von RageV Discord:
- What is OS-RP Old School Roleplay prides itself as a unique setting in and among the large number of roleplay servers readily available within the RageMP community, where many players may often struggle to find a suitable server to fit in and call home. Especially when there are a number of large player based servers who often fail to provide its player base with the necessary support and encouragement that many players crave in order to truly enjoy their free time online. Here, we encourage creativity. This is what makes Old School Roleplay different from the rest, our love for giving you a canvas to be as creative as you want to be without any hassle. With a highly experienced, dedicated staff team and a friendly, reasonably mature group of players, new users can join us with confidence, knowing that they will always meet new friends and discover a new wave of creativity here at Old School Roleplay. Our running way Old School Roleplay enforces heavy roleplay standards with a firm, but inherently friendly approach. For players who are new to our community, we offer leniency and an opportunity to expand their creativity, thanks to our staff who are ready to assist and teach them everything they need to know in order to learn a better way. This ensures that even the newest or inexperienced players have the opportunity to create or become something big, in our world. Tired of reading the same story as to why you should join a server well it doesn't stop here. Old School Roleplay is where a community focuses on the players. Actually take their input and take it into consideration when making a decision. We are about communicating with the community and making them feel like their voice is heard. We welcome everyone and anyone to join us, the family we have formed that you can be a part of as well. Old School Roleplay is an international roleplaying server which focuses on heavy and detailed roleplay. Our staff are professional and the main purpose of the server is to ensure that everyone has as much entertainment whilst playing with other people. Another thing we focus on is to give as many opportunities and experiences to players as possible. With that we mean that economy, systems and everything else which comes along with both mentioned before is down to the communities ideas and views on the game. Members of the staff team ensure that no rules are broken and that everyone is treated fairly, equally and with the respect and professionalism that they deserve. There are no exceptions and favoritism when it comes to rule breaking, everyone is treated on the same basis. Unlike any other server, we are trying to be unique by thinking of new styles and systems on a regular basis in order to ensure authenticity and an enjoyable atmosphere for every player. Factions Factions are a fundamental aspect of Old School Roleplay. We aim to reward active and high-quality factions over time with fun, beneficial, and exciting perks which will be discussed with the faction directly. Introducing our new “tiered faction” systems, active development defines the long lasting development of a faction here. There are no limitations to what factions you can make as long as you can imagine it, which is why we welcome a whole host of unique concepts that fit within Los Santos. Cops. Mobsters. Thugs, gangsters. Business owners, bankers, judges, lawyers. Whatever you want to be. If you're struggling with faction ideas, we implore you to contact members of our specially designated faction management to help you come to terms with what you want. They can help support, advise, and provide additional help DIRECTLY TO YOU, to help your faction concept come to life. Already, Old School Roleplay features a variety of legal and illegal roleplay factions for you to enjoy, which all help to provide active and high-quality roleplay within the community. Access to firearms and drugs are provided to illegal factions that prove to be active and successful. Old School Roleplay enforces medium roleplay standards with a firm, but inherently friendly approach. For players who are new to our community, we offer leniency and an opportunity to expand their creativity, thanks to our staff who are ready to assist and teach them everything they need to know in order to learn a better way. This ensures that even the newest or inexperienced players have the opportunity to create or become something big, in our world. Professions There are plans for a number of different professions on Old School Roleplay. Currently we have a bunch of jobs, starting with Pizzaboy delivery, Trucker, Courier, Bank worker, Bus driver, miner and so many more! At the start, every player is encouraged to start a business, give it a try, after receiving a bank loan through in character means. But as far as what we have right now, these are great ways of making money in the beginning stages of developing your character. We are actively developing new professions such as landscaping, construction companies, any type of mom and pop business you can begin to imagine. The number of professions a player can make money with will only grow along with our playerbase. Remember, we love creativity! Staff Team Old School Roleplay consists of a number of small teams that are made from players from within our community, such as developers, mappers, administrators, etc. Each team has their own role and tasks in order to make sure that every aspect of the community and server runs as smoothly as possible. Players who show a strong understanding of the community and the server, along with a genuine and courteous attitude towards players will often be invited into the staff team in order to provide their level of expertise and knowledge in helping the management of the community. The staff in Old School Roleplay sacrifice their time and energy to make this a wonderful experience for you, the player. However, they’re not here to tally up everything they do for you, they’re here to help, so please be as respectful as you can, and we promise that they will be nothing but the MOST respectful, back. Features Old School Roleplay is still under development, we're preparing and doing a well optimized gamemode which is going to run smoothly and give you an amazing gameplay in our server. We're all open-mind when it comes to critics, server opinion/feedback and suggestions, we're user friendly, which means we're up to point and do what players would like to see depending on the servers good of course. Faction System We have developed two types of factions which are legal and illegal factions. Legal factions are basically the Government factions, starting from the Government itself, Juidical, PD, FIB, IIA, Army, MD and DOC. There's plenty features done for each faction and each faction will have privileges to different features depending on the type they are. Illegal factions are basically gangs, there are two types of illegal faction, street gang and mafias. Both types allow you to do amazing things legaly and illegaly, for example if you are handling a mafia gang type you will have ability to features such as drug creating/controlling, weapon crafting/crates factories and different missions, we point to make street gangs have deal with Mafias which will get them the illegal items however that's totally up to players. There's plenty features for street gangs too, like turf wars, drug zones, drug planting, robberies and so many more. Additional Companies: Additional Companies are more likely a faction but not a faction, they are player made which mean technically they work as factions, having a Company gives you ability to give loans, have a crew, create jobs for players and build your empire! Economy system. The economy system is going to be stable, and with stable I mean that we won't be spawning money whenever you get paid for a job or a paycheck, basically we're going to circulate the taxes which you as a player will pay and they will be used to fund Government factions and city jobs. The more you get paid the more taxes you will have to pay however there are 'illegal' ways to avoid this but that can get you in trouble. You know. Scripted Jobs We have scripted plenty jobs around the city and the map. Starting with Pizzaboy Delivery, Courier, GoPostal, Miner, Trucker, Bank worker, Bus driver and so many more coming! Each job has its own skill level, the more you work the more skill you will get and the higher skill you have the more money you will receive by doing the job. Player Assets As you know unlike any other server we won't restrict player items, however we do have a VIP system which generally gives you some advantage in game but in OOC matters, like we won't be having a VIP system where you IC jail time will be reduced, what's that?. Anyway. We do have a level and experience system, the more you play the more experience you will get and this is how you will level up. By levelling up you will receive upgrade points which you can use them to upgrade your assets such as properties slot, labor, Inventory and Trader. Each asset has its own advantage, your default properties slot is one house, business, garage and warehouse. By upgrading your properties you will get more slots to own more properties. And so on. Vehicle system As a new player you will have three vehicle slots, which means you cannot purchase any more unless you upgrade your property asset which is stated above. When purchasing a vehicle you have to register it after, so you can purchase a vehicle at any created dealership but after you're done you will have to register it at the DMV to have it legally to drive. However you can also choose to not register it at all but that's not legal, so it's up to you. Vehicle system is connected with house garages, you can store vehicles in your garage or even park them infront of your beautiful house! There's chopshops, scrapyards, and vehicle thieft system but those are IC things so you'll have to figure out yourself in game how do they actually work. - And so many more features listed below Player/Vehicle Inventory Housing system. House Furniture/Gun racks. Parking lots. Entrance system. Fire system. Businesses. Business products. Dealership Manager. Loan system. Passport System. Licensing System. And so many more. Join the discord server to stay updated with the development, we also post screenshots there of what's being done in the gamemode! Invite Link is above!
A new English heavy roleplay voice and text based server is looking for an experienced developer who will dedicate their time to completing this project. What is SRP looking for? SRP is looking for a developer who is dedicated, professional and skilled. All of our systems will be custom made with an abstract simple UI for players to easily grasp and understand when playing. All of our systems will attempt to be based on reality and realism but drawing the line between too real and fun. We will re-define the English roleplay scene adding an extreme emphasis on roleplay not ruleplay. Roleplay will be rewarded and it will be well-worth rather than being a "shooter" Specifics We right now are still planning however some of the specifics and core gameplay will focus within the city limits. Core features would include but not limited to; Customizable cars, f4 factions menu, law systems, turf system, map zones, custom interiors, every object being interactable, house system with addresses, easy-to-use building system that could be use within interiors and exterior, academic system with professors and students, emergency services which includes Medical Department, smooth in-game phone that will have in-coming, outcoming, text chats and group text chats, an inventory system that allows you to drop, pickup items and move different items into your equipped weapons spot and equipped clothing. stores with products and ingredients for foods that you can cook at your apartment/business, fast food chains that serve on-the-go quick food, impounding car system, in game credit store which would sell custom cars and custom clothing as well as -jail time, -gas price, more gas, (NOT FULLY P2W custom cars will be very nerfed) banks with pin codes, tax and salaries, Civilian job system Barber shop tattoo shop radios with 1000 frequencies in-game police tac radio fast animations with crouch as (c) and radio as (r) (and more to add, ask for more details) Why you should take this job Me and my partners are experienced game developers. We have created experiences with over 20,000 concurrent players and 200,000,000 play sessions with 5,000,000 monthly active users (mau) We have played roleplay servers for several years on rageMP and understand what people want. This will be a hit server which means we would re-hire you for updates. This will be a good way for you to make some extra money if you needed it. Depending on cashflow of the server, updates could be a bigger payment than initial payment of 1000$ however this is fully dependent on how the server performs and could change over-time, nothing is final. If you are interested, please send me a request + message on discord please make sure to message me and link this thread after you send a request, I get many many requests daily due to my games. Ryzoft#8513
Wir sind ein Deutscher Roleplay Server der demnächst online kommen wird ,Also wenn du noch ein Roleplay server suchst komme auf Nero Roleplay . Discord:
PROYECTOX El equipo de proyectoX se complace anunciarles, que desde el hoy que se publica este post por este medio se inicializa de forma formal este proyecto, bajo la modalidad de roleplay por voz en español. El servidor actualmente se encuentra en fase de desarrollo y con equipos de Beta testers. Estamos trabajando arduamente todos para poder traer a todos los usuarios un servidor de roleplay donde tu imaginación no pare de crear gracias a la ardua cantidad de sistemas disponibles. El equipo de programación trabajan en constantes actualizaciones y corrección para poder traerles un servidor con estabilidad, gran variedad de sistemas y un a buena seguridad a la hora de jugar con nosotros. Buscamos como comunidad un crecimiento constante en todos los frentes que ofrecemos, es por eso que tenemos u gran equipo administrativo que está dispuesto a ayudarte en todo los problemas, dudas y sugerencias que tengas, además con tamos con herramientas que nos ayuda a saber los intereses y sugerencias que tenga la gente para el servidor estos son algunos de los sistemas que ofrecemos a la comunidad: Más de 5 trabajos y creando muchos más. Creador de facciones. Interiores vacíos para organizarlo a tu gusto. Compra, alquiler y venta de viviendas y bodegas. Opción de comprar negocios. Etc. Faccione con las que contaremos desde el inicio: Trabajos con los que contaremos al inicio: Redes sociales DISCORD | Twitter Imagenes y videos Interiores ALPR Trabjo de minero
Wir suchen Dich! GESUCHT: Programmierer mit erweiterten Kenntnissen folgender Sprachen: HTML, JS, CSS, C# Es ist zwingend notwendig dass Du Dich bestens damit auskennst ein RP System für RAGE programmieren zu können. Was Du mitbringen solltest: -> Ein gutes Headset (Gute Mikrofon Qualität) -> TeamSpeak³ -> Discord -> RAGEMP -> gute bis sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse in Text und Sprache -> RP Server Vorerfahrung Wenn Du all diese Vorraussetzungen erfüllen kannst, freuen wir uns sehr Dich bei uns Willkommen heissen zu können und machen dann mit Dir ein kurzes Bewerbungsgespräch zum kennenlernen. Teamspeak: Dein Ghost RP Team
- A B O U T U S Focus Roleplay is server with 'old-school' text based gamemode and as such is first server of that type on Balkan continent. Our goal is to provide you an unforgettable roleplay experience. This project is led by a small group of very enthusiastic people who code from love and enjoy playing on roleplay server since 2009. Also, one of the our fundamental goal is that every new member of our community finds something for himself to enjoy and to grow as a roleplay player. Everyone is welcome! M E D I A INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK YOUTUBE O N E X - Y U
¿Qué es OkPlayers? Comunidad hispanohablante fundada desde 2018 en antiguas plataformas de roleplay. El proyecto se lleva acabo con el objetivo de dar jugabilidad con sus diversos sistemas orientados a la modalidad de juego "roleplay", desarrollando un entorno de juego amigable y muy familiar a lo acostumbrado en dicha antigua plataforma, tratando de implementar y acoplarse a la nueva forma de rol. Llevamos desde inicios de Enero desarrollando el gamemode el cual fue terminada con éxito a mediados de noviembre, desde esa fecha llevábamos abiertos en modo "BETA ABIERTA" hasta hace unos pocas semanas. ¿Qué buscamos? Buscamos como comunidad crecer progresivamente, tratando de modelar un servidor roleplay serio, es por ello que se implementó un sistema de certificación de ingreso para que en cierta forma reducir el ingreso de jugadores mal intencionados, así mismo intentar guiar al usuario nuevo y tener un mejor control del mismo. Ofrecer una jugabilidad cómoda mediante una economía controlada y realista conjuntamente con los sistemas que ofrece el servidor para generar dinero sin necesidad de abandonar la interpretación de tu personaje. Buscamos una comunidad seria en cuanto a rol se refiere y estable en cuanto a sistemas, contamos con un equipo de desarrolladores dispuestos implementar las sugerencias de los usuarios en un corto plazo. La comunidad intenta escuchar a todos sus usuarios en general con un novedoso sistema de encuestados desde nuestro servidor de Discord para de esa manera saber en cierta forma lo que requiere el usuario. WEB | DISCORD | YOUTUBE | INSTAGRAM |TWITTER Sistema de contenedores Sistema de mascotas Sistema de grúa Sistema de tatuajes Sistema de muebles Sistema de incendios
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- Roleplay Server
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Wir suchen jemand der uns unser script zusammen stellen kann und auf dem root ein binden kann Drogen System Lsd Gras cokanin Admin Commands Admin Menü Wichtig Ammunation mit lizens von spielern bespielbar Ampeln Animationen Arbeitsamt Auto slots in datenbank einstellbar (wie viele autos darf der char besitzen soll darüber geregelt werden) Autohaus mit lizens von spielern bespielbar automatischen server restart festlegbar Bahama Mamas mit lizens von spielern bespielbar Bank System Bank system mit mehreren konten und fähig überweisungen zu tätigen Barber Barrieren Bei den tunern alles an tuning freischalten bis auf motor und getriebe stufe 4 Bei Serverrestart alle fahrzeuge in garagen eingeparkt Beispiel:Unicorn lizenz kann zigartren gin wiskey erdbeeren kaufen Bennys mit lizens von spielern bespielbar Bootshändler als npc / nicht von spielern bespielbar Börsensystem auf dem handy (aktien investieren) Business System Casino mit lizens von spielern bespielbar (Türen über interaktionsmenü abschließbar) Character Auswahl cop autos zum tunen freigeben CraftingSystem Dispatch System DOJ / Justiz Drogenruten Fahrzeug Interaktion Fahrzeug Tuner mit lizens von spielern bespielbar Fahrzeugbriefe die bei kauf im inventar unter fahrzeugbriefe gelistet und weiter zu geben sind fahrzugbrief FIB Turm Finger Pointing Flugzeughändler Bootshändler als npc / nicht von spielern bespielbar Fraktionsleitung kann ingame up und downranks machen Funk djo police ems Mechaniker Garagen Gebrauchtwagenmarkt mit 4-6 billigen autos und nem motorroller für neue spieler Genauso für Nutzfahrzeuge und motorräder Haussystem Heiraten System Hitbox System IAA Turm IDCard System Import am hafen für fahrzeuge / nur mit lizens für autohaus import motorräder / nur mit lizens für motorrad händler ingame chat aus machen Inventar Item System Items aus der metro müssen verzehrt werden können und essensanzeige füllen Kilometerstand Klamottenshop kleidung einzeln ablegen und anziehen können / kleidung auch im kofferraum verstauen können Kleidungs Menü Kofferraum Laufstyles Legale Ruten LSC LSMC / Medics- Polizei- madic autos zum tunen freigeben Madicfahrzeuge kostenlos und nach rang freizugeben Marker martinshorn an einsatzfahrzeugen abschaltbar/ nur blaulicht oder blaulicht und horn umschaltbar Merry wather Wetter und musik Metro am hafen (containerschiff) wo gewerbetreibende mit verschiedenen lizenzen verschiedene items kaufen können Minijobs Müllabfuhr Normaler Shop (24/7, Supermarkt etc.) Notifications Phone System Polizei Justiz und madic ingame datenbank zum abrufen von Namen wohnort vorstrarfen und waffenschein ja / nein Polizei waffen alle kostenlos / Tazer, Schrotflinte , MP, Sniper , Sturmgewehr Polizeifahrzeuge kostenlos und nach rang freizugeben Position System Rucksack/tasche schlüssel sytem vergeb von schlüsseln schrottplatz / mit lizens von spielern bespielbar zum verschrotten von autos wenn sie nichtmehr gebraucht werden Server muss Modded Car fähig sein!!! Spieler System Stachelsystem (Polizei etc.) Tachometer Tankstelle Tankstellensystem Tattoo Taxi EMS police Mechankier Dispatch System TeamSpeak Voice Chat mit verknupfung ts Telefon Telefon mit SMS und anruf (telefonkonferenz fähig) Telefon Shop Tequi Lala Bar mit lizens von spielern bespielbar Tür System Umfangreiche Jobs Vanilla Unicorn mit lizens von spielern bespielbar Waffenanzeige Withlist system Zulassungen farzeug melde dich bei uns im discord Chris Miller#3745
Root Server, TS, Discord, Alles Gegrieft worden Hat sich Erledigt
Hello to whom ever decides to read this! My name is Danny I am 23 and a 3d/Digital Artist that is what I do for a living I say that as a means to make you the reader understand where I stand in terms of knowledge in Game Development. Recently I've decided I wanted to take on a project with a few other people on RageMP but we are lacking one thing and that would be a lead scripter/developer. This is a very new project and currently we have a UI designer, Map Editor, and Map Assistant, along with someone with a understanding in scripting. We also have a few people who we trust as testers and future staff. As I do have a decent under standing of Game Developing that being said this is a different thing in many aspects and I hope whom ever we bring on the team can really be someone I and the rest of the team can look to for a better understanding of limitations and other things. What we are looking for: We honestly need someone who is dedicated like we are to the experience we are trying to accomplish along with someone who thrives to push their self. We want someone chill, funny, good company, and someone who has ideas and isn't afraid to put them out there. We want to make this dream come true and someone who can polish or even come up with ideas is always appreciated. The Plan: This project is a big one and we know that, we have no intention to rush it at all. We have phases planned and small steps we want to take to ensure the core systems are in play before anything else. We the current developers are all people who play the game-mode we wish to improve and are long term experienced in the game-mode and how it should be but we really want to all shoot opinions out and perfect it together. Server-Info: The game mode we are trying to make would be Serious-RP and the things we want to alter would be discussed later on if you decide to get in contact, along with that I will also be showing you the capability of the UI we can have implemented and created for the server and I say this with full honesty I myself think you will see the potential for the server in the UI alone. Contact Info: Discord: PartRust#2604 RageMP: GhostDev
Wir von ProjectNine Suchen: - Clientside Entwickler mit Erfahrung in Javascript, HTML, CSS - Server Side Entwickler mit Erfahrung in C# - Serverseitig arbeiten wir mit MongoDB Zu unseren Project: Wir sind eine MultiGaming Community die anfänglich mit einen Arma 3 Project ein guten Erfolg verzeichnen konnten, wir hatten eine eigene Map und ganz eigene Modifikationen. Jetzt haben wir uns dazu beschlossen das wir zu GTA RageMP wechseln möchten. Aktuell haben wir schon ein gutes Grundgerüst, wo wir jetzt noch ein paar Feinschliffe bis zur Open Alpha brauchen, derzeit befindet sich unserer Server in der Closed Alpha. Was können wir bieten? - Ein gut funktionierendes & strukturiertes Bitbucket - Eine ganz nette Community mit einen familiären Miteinander - Ein gut funktionierendes & organisiertes Deploy-System ( Jenkins ) - Eine klar organisierte Projektleitung - Viele eigene Systeme wie zb. Leitstellensystem, Banksystem, Jobsystem, uvm. - Eine gute Infrastruktur ( Test- & Live-Umgebung ) Was erwarten wir von dir? - C# oder Javascript Grundkenntnisse - Datenbank Erfahrung (MongoDB) ( Von Vorteil ) - Ein funktionierendes Mikrofon und Teamspeak 3 Mindestalter von 18+ - Freundlichkeit, Teamfähigkeit & Vertrauenswürdigkeit - Vorteilhaft wären ein paar Grundkenntnisse mit GTA5 Voice Plugin ( Lizenz vorhanden ) Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt, wenn ja melde dich im Forum bei einen Head of V-Game Entwicklung oder im Teamspeak. Forum: Teamspeak: Mit freundlichen Grüßen SPA_Schlaefer (Head of V-Game Entwicklung)
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Version 1.0.0
What is this amazing script? You are also able to control the steering (unable to set straight afterwards due to setSteeringAngle not being implemented yet) so you can move the vehicle to the side of the road. If you are an RP server then this is perfect for you! With some wizard maths, the text and position is at the correct end of each car and is based on distance (This has taken over 6 hours to get right). Configuration I have already built in configuration to set whether you can allow it on locked vehicles, low health vehicles, whether the engine is off and certain vehicle classes. These can all be configured in the config section of the file: this.config = { AllowVehicleClass: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 18], // These are the normal vehicles in the game classes - to disable it, set it to false MaxVehicleCubedSize: 25, // This is the vehicle length * width - as an idea an ambulance is 21 LockHandbrakeProtection: false, // If set - you can't push a locked vehicle (Theft prevention or ditching cars) EngineProtection: false, // If set - you can only push if the enginer is turned off VehicleHealthProtection: false, // Must be less than 1000 or false which de-activates checking vehicle health PushEventName: false, // Set this to send an event to your server with the relevant Vehicle and Player attached (ie 'pushing_car') LabelsDisplayed: true, // Show labels near the pushing positions when close enough DebugPositions: false, // View pushing positions as markers so they are more visible AllowVehicleSteering: true, // Allows the player to turn the wheels of the vehicle using A and D keys } In Action To see how it looks working just checkout: Questions Lastly if you have any questions feel free to give me a shout on discord (wdoyle2) or respond in the comment section. This is currently not on github but more than happy to post it for any future pull requests. -
Help create server wtih mode wired player rp. I want to my server RP. I search scripter, gamer and programer. Discord: Syvyy_Did#6263 Instagram: @harshstas 😎😁
- Help create server wtih mode wired player rp
- help
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