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Found 23 results

  1. So I installed Rage MP and Chose the path of my GTA installation. But when I try to connect to a server, Rage lounches Epic Games. But I don't own and never have owned GTA on Epic. Already tried reinstalling GTA and RageMP. Any help?
  2. Hello everyone, in short, this is the problem, I was playing on the server, everything was fine, then suddenly it started to lag for no reason (small freezes, drop in FPS, lack of load), and no matter what server I go to it will be the same everywhere. My laptop is not particularly powerful, but up to this point everything was quite good, I looked at a couple of guides, read the forums, but I couldn’t find a specific solution to this problem, so I’m asking for help from all of you, maybe someone has encountered this. I would appreciate your answer.
  3. At the entrance , it throws it into the single player.
  4. ║Santos-V Roleplay║ Du hast keine Lust mehr auf Gambo RP? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Santos-V Roleplay (RageMP) bietet dir viele Möglichkeiten. ⋙Hier ein Paar Infos⋘ 》Allgemein《 ~Vernünftiges RP ~Keine Whitelist ~Ein Aktives erfahrenes Team ~Kein Gambo RP ~Super Community ~Eine große Auswahl an Klamotten und Frisuren ~Wirtschaftssystem ~Farming System ~Crafting System ~Importfahrzeuge ~Unternehmen ~Regelmäßige Events.. 》Zivile Berufe《 ~Busfahrer/in ~Fernbusfahrer/in ~Gärtner/in ~Bauarbeiter/rin.. ~Fotograf/in 》Fraktionen (Staatlich)《 ~Los Santos Police Department ~Los Santos Medical Center ~LSTuners ~Anwalt/Anwältin ~Government ~Secret Service ~Importler und Exportler ~ACLS (Mechaniker).. 》Crime《 ~Gründe deine Eigene Gang, Mafia oder Kartell ~Einzigartiges Gangsystem ~Routen ~Gangwars.. Und noch vieles mehr. Du Bist neugierig geworden? Dann besuche uns gerne auf unseren Discord und werde ein Teil unserer Community! Das Server-Team kümmert sich gerne um die ersten Schritte von Neulingen, während erfahrene Spieler bei Problemen immer ein offenes Ohr im Support für dich haben. Discord-Link: https://discord.gg/zhXWSFJktU Wir freuen uns auf dich!
  5. Hello, I'm coming back to my work after the break. Take a moment to learn about my topic, maybe this offer will hit the spot! It offers: - website design, - Designing advertising materials, - Designing for social media (instagram, fb - other), - Designing elements for games (login panels, counters - other), - Designing corporate identity (game logos - other), - "Main" graphic work on the MTA / SAMP / RAGE system - or other games. E-mail adress: [email protected] Discord: devPasti#7195 Gadu Gadu: 65727047
  6. PROYECTOX El equipo de proyectoX se complace anunciarles, que desde el hoy que se publica este post por este medio se inicializa de forma formal este proyecto, bajo la modalidad de roleplay por voz en español. El servidor actualmente se encuentra en fase de desarrollo y con equipos de Beta testers. Estamos trabajando arduamente todos para poder traer a todos los usuarios un servidor de roleplay donde tu imaginación no pare de crear gracias a la ardua cantidad de sistemas disponibles. El equipo de programación trabajan en constantes actualizaciones y corrección para poder traerles un servidor con estabilidad, gran variedad de sistemas y un a buena seguridad a la hora de jugar con nosotros. Buscamos como comunidad un crecimiento constante en todos los frentes que ofrecemos, es por eso que tenemos u gran equipo administrativo que está dispuesto a ayudarte en todo los problemas, dudas y sugerencias que tengas, además con tamos con herramientas que nos ayuda a saber los intereses y sugerencias que tenga la gente para el servidor estos son algunos de los sistemas que ofrecemos a la comunidad: Más de 5 trabajos y creando muchos más. Creador de facciones. Interiores vacíos para organizarlo a tu gusto. Compra, alquiler y venta de viviendas y bodegas. Opción de comprar negocios. Etc. Faccione con las que contaremos desde el inicio: Trabajos con los que contaremos al inicio: Redes sociales DISCORD | Twitter Imagenes y videos Interiores ALPR Trabjo de minero
  7. Hi! If i connect to my server from localhost / my game will load RageMP 1.1, and I can connect, but if I connect from 192.168.xx.xx or an external IP adress, It'll load 0.3.7, then the sever kicks me due client version mismatch. I even tried with another server, from another PC, but nothing worked. If I start the 1.1 Rage, then connect from an external IP adress It'll start to load the server files, but I get this error and the game crashes, and the server writes this to the console: [N] Incoming connection from [N] has been disconnected. My conf.json: { "maxplayers" : 100, "name" : "RAGE:MP Unofficial server", "gamemode" : "freeroam", "stream-distance" : 500.0, "announce" : false, "csharp" : "enable", "enable-http-security" : false, "port": 22005 }
  8. Hey guys today my Question is if you can still play on RageMP Servers if you're banned on GTA Online
  9. Hi Folks! May I present to you: - A GTAV multiplayer RPC library What is this all about? V-RPC introduces synchronous calls to RageMP - whether it is the server, the client or the cef framework that communicates with one another - it doesn't matter! Synchronous calls in that sense mean, for example, sending a request from client to server expecting the server to return a result. Though, there are already libraries that provide synchronous calls, V-RPC comes with C# and Angular 8+ (CEF) support out-of-the-box. One of the key points for developing this library is to provide synchronous calls in different languages among different endpoints in the GTAV multiplayer ecosystem. Why should you use V-RPC? V-RPC is easy to use and comes as an NPM package. Considering the browser V-RPC can also be used using a single file. V-RPC comes with many great features: Middleware support for incoming requests Currently C# and JavaScript/TypeScript support Templating in both languages Optional parallelization of incoming requests in C# Out-of-the-box Angular 8+ framework support Open Source? I love it! V-RPC is Open Source software! The sauce can be found here: https://github.com/eisengrind/v-rpc I appreciate any contributions to the project. Latest versions: C#: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Eisengrind.VRPC.RageMP.Server/2.0.0 JS: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@eisengrind/v-rpc Angular 8+: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@eisengrind/ng-v-rpc Hope you like it! Have a great Weekend. 😉
  10. Hello there, i´ve recently got Gta 5 from the Epic Games Launcher and tried to install Rage. I´ve followed the instructions as specified in the "How to install RAGE Multiplayer" thread but as soon as i start the Rage launcher, a pop up window appears with a yellow warning sign and some chinese/japanese letters in the headline in which i can only click "OK". After confirming the pop up, another window appears which asks me to specify the game path. This seems pretty normal to me but the Epic Games launcher is such a wondrous piece of software that i cant seem to find the directory in which gta got installed... And after about 3 hours of folder hunting i´m pretty much done with my life. I mostly think Epic Games is to blame on this one, but if someone has an idea for a fix i would be thankfull.
  11. Hey guys, Our community has been in development for a while now, and we've shown some images on our forums, but I wanted to show some here as well. Some of the screenshots may be outdated, as I'm showing everything. Let's see how long I can keep this thread going to show how far we have come, and how far we will go. Every feature is a work in progress, enjoy. New videos that were released:
  12. Hello everyone, I am currently looking for a serious developer to launch a project currently underway. At the moment looking for someone with JS or C# experience for an upcoming project. Send me a PM with your Discord and Published projects. Not under 18 years of age. I apologize if this sounds "arrogant" but I am not interested in wasting your time or mine. Thanks in advance!
  13. I have been trying to get my longtime friend on mcrp, but after the tiny update yesturday gta had he cant launch any servers from ragemp, he has tried to reinstall the game, reinstalled the launcher like 4 different times with me watching and guiding him but to no avail. The error message that comes up says that is game is outdated and needs to be on 1.50.1 or smth like that, he has tried installing ragemp on different drives too, verifying the game cache too. Changing the gta directory and nearly everything, any suggestions?
  14. GTA V Roleplay Server Entwickler Gesucht! Hallo, wir sind auf der Suche nach einem Entwickler für unseren Gta 5 Roleplay Server. Wir besitzen bereits 4 Ark Survival Evolved Server und 2 DayZ Standalone Server und möchten nun unserer Community auch einen Gta V Roleplay Server zur Verfügung stellen. Anforderungen? Du musst mindestens 18 Jahre Alt sein Kenntnisse in JS und C# besitzen Zur Kommunikation nutzen wir Teamspeak deshalb benötigst du auch ein funktionierendes Mikrofon Was bieten wir? Ein starkes Server Netzwerk schnell zu erreichende Admins Eine stätig wachsende Community Wie kann ich mich vorstellen? per Teamspeak: dieplanerdayz.org ( Ansprechpartner: bob ) per E-Mail: [email protected] Mit freundlichen Grüßen Die Planer, bob
  15. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Всем привет, хочу поведать миру о старте нового проекта в RAGE:MP, - White RolePlayХочу сказать лишь одно, у нас нету нехватки программистов/скриптеров, не будет никаких заморозок, и откладывание проекта в долгий ящик.Проект свежий, в списке наших целей множество уникальных систем/работ/механикПрисоединяйся к нашей группе, и следи за развитием проекта(Игроки которые будут вместе с нами на открытии, получат уникальную возможность в занятии высоких должностей штата)Подпишись : https://vk.com/white4life 
  16. Hallo, wenn ich bei Ragemp auf einen Server joinen möchte kommt diese Meldung. "Error: Your game version is not supported by Rage Multiplayer. Please upgrade to 1.46 (5 Feb 2019) inm order to continue playing. Try veryfing Steam cache (for Steam) or running PlayGTAV.exe (for Social Club version)" Ich hab schon alles versucht und da ich heute GTA V zum ersten mal installiert hab auf dem Pc kann kein Update fehlen. Ich hoffe einer von euch kann mir helfen.
  17. Есть ли здесь среди форумчан такие извращенцы которые запускали сервер на маке? Если да, то как Вы смогли развернуть среду разработки Rage MP update ? Дома бываю редко, нет возможности сидеть за ПК, но Мак всегда собой
  18. Imtihal

    My suggestions

    My ideas are here. (0.2) 1. Make you own character just like in gta 5. If its impossible make it like gta 4 online 2. Make gamemodes. 3. Make a gamemode where there is no godmode or anything just like gta 5 online no one has any special powers or anything.7 4. Focus on fixing the damage we put on to a player. It takes a long time to kill somebody
  19. Здравствуйте.Как сделать так что бы если у человека в бд в таблице users в поле admin было 1 то он мог использовать команды которые я захочу.(например бан) а если у него в поле admin было 0 он не сможит их использывать.Я буду очень благодарен.
  20. JS - MYSQL HELP Всем привет.Мне нужна ваша помощь.Она связана с Mysql.В чём заключаеться вопрос: Как выводить значение которое в mysql в игру.Пример: в базе в таблице users в поле bank значение 100 а значит когда ты пишешь например /bank тебе в чату пишет На твоем счету в банке 100$. ЭТО ТОЛЬКО ПРИМЕР!!! Просто хочу узнать как выводить значение которое в mysql в игру. Прошу помочь.Заранее огромное спасибо.
  21. a guy


    Hi guys i tried rage mp with my gta 5 but it only keeps saying LOADING RAGE MULTIPLAYER and not ever finnishing loading i left my pc on for like 10 minuites and nothing...help?
  22. Мне кажеться что обнова выйдет на днях
  23. Hallo, is possible to create character in Rage:MP like in GTA Online?
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