About This File
This resource adds wrappers for these natives:
Before 1.1.0, you couldn't use these natives because they needed pointers to their respective structures but since 1.1 allows developers to use ArrayBuffers, that is no longer a problem. Thing is, you still need to create a buffer, invoke the native and read the data from your buffer. (too much work)
This resource is made to prevent that.
Put gamedata into your server's client_packages directory, then add require('gamedata'); to client_packages/index.js.
Clientside API
This resource extends "mp.game" by adding a "data" object that contains multiple functions.
/* Returns information about a decoration/tattoo. characterType: * 0 = Michael * 1 = Franklin * 2 = Trevor * 3 = MPMale * 4 = MPFemale decorationIndex: * Decoration/tattoo index between 0 and GET_NUM_TATTOO_SHOP_DLC_ITEMS(characterType). Returned object: * { lockHash, id, collection, preset, cost, eFacing, updateGroup, textLabel } This native was researched & documented by TomGrobbe. (https://github.com/TomGrobbe) */ mp.game.data.getTattooShopDlcItemData(characterType, decorationIndex); /* Returns information about a clothing item. componentHash: * Obtained by GET_HASH_NAME_FOR_COMPONENT. Returned object: * { lockHash, uniqueNameHash, locate, drawableIndex, textureIndex, cost, eCompType, eShopEnum, eCharacter, textLabel } */ mp.game.data.getShopPedComponent(componentHash); /* Returns information about a clothing item. (prop) propHash: * Obtained by GET_HASH_NAME_FOR_PROP. Returned object: * { lockHash, uniqueNameHash, locate, propIndex, textureIndex, cost, eAnchorPoint, eShopEnum, eCharacter, textLabel } */ mp.game.data.getShopPedProp(propHash); /* Returns information about a ped's headblend data. entityOrHandle: * Entity (mp.players.local) or handle (mp.players.local.handle) of the ped you want to get headblend data of. Returned object: * { shapeFirstId, shapeSecondId, shapeThirdId, skinFirstId, skinSecondId, skinThirdId, shapeMix, skinMix, thirdMix, isParent } */ mp.game.data.getPedHeadBlendData(entityOrHandle); /* Returns information about a weapon's HUD stats. weaponHash: * Hash of the weapon you want to get HUD stats of. Returned object: * { hudDamage, hudSpeed, hudCapacity, hudAccuracy, hudRange } */ mp.game.data.getWeaponHudStats(weaponHash); /* Returns information about a weapon component's HUD stats. componentHash: * Hash of the weapon component you want to get HUD stats of. Returned object: * { hudDamage, hudSpeed, hudCapacity, hudAccuracy, hudRange } */ mp.game.data.getWeaponComponentHudStats(componentHash); /* Returns information about a DLC weapon. dlcWeaponIndex: * DLC weapon index between 0 - GET_NUM_DLC_WEAPONS(). Returned object: * { lockHash, weaponHash, id, cost, ammoCost, ammoType, defaultClipSize, textLabel, weaponDesc, weaponTT, weaponUppercase } */ mp.game.data.getDlcWeaponData(dlcWeaponIndex); /* Returns information about a DLC weapon's component. dlcWeaponIndex: * DLC weapon index between 0 - GET_NUM_DLC_WEAPONS(). dlcWeaponComponentIndex: * DLC weapon component index between 0 - GET_NUM_DLC_WEAPON_COMPONENTS(dlcWeaponIndex). Returned object: * { attachBone, isDefault, lockHash, componentHash, id, cost, textLabel, componentDesc } */ mp.game.data.getDlcWeaponComponentData(dlcWeaponIndex, dlcWeaponComponentIndex); /* Returns information about a DLC vehicle. dlcVehicleIndex: * DLC vehicle index between 0 - GET_NUM_DLC_VEHICLES(). Returned object: * { lockHash, modelHash, cost } */ mp.game.data.getDlcVehicleData(dlcVehicleIndex); /* Returns information about an outfit. outfitHash: * uniqueNameHash of the outfit. Returned object: * { lockHash, uniqueNameHash, cost, numProps, numComponents, eShopEnum, eCharacter, textLabel } */ mp.game.data.getShopPedOutfit(outfitHash); /* Returns information about an outfit's component. outfitHash: * uniqueNameHash of the outfit. componentIndex: * index of the outfit's component. Returned object: * { uniqueNameHash, enumValue, eCompType } */ mp.game.data.getShopPedOutfitComponentVariant(outfitHash, componentIndex); /* Returns information about an outfit's prop. outfitHash: * uniqueNameHash of the outfit. propIndex: * index of the outfit's prop. Returned object: * { uniqueNameHash, enumValue, eAnchorPoint } */ mp.game.data.getShopPedOutfitPropVariant(outfitHash, propIndex);
Example Script
Writes bunch of information to the console. (which you can access by pressing F11)
mp.keys.bind(0x75, false, () => { // First freemode male tattoo const tattooData = mp.game.data.getTattooShopDlcItemData(3, 0); if (tattooData) { mp.console.logInfo(`Tattoo data: ${JSON.stringify(tattooData)}`); } // Player's top const component = 11; const componentHash = mp.game.invoke("0x0368B3A838070348", mp.players.local.handle, component, mp.players.local.getDrawableVariation(component), mp.players.local.getTextureVariation(component)); const topData = mp.game.data.getShopPedComponent(componentHash); if (topData) { mp.console.logInfo(`Top data: ${JSON.stringify(topData)}`); } // Player's hat const prop = 0; const propHash = mp.game.invoke("0x5D6160275CAEC8DD", mp.players.local.handle, prop, mp.players.local.getPropIndex(prop), mp.players.local.getPropTextureIndex(prop)); const hatData = mp.game.data.getShopPedProp(propHash); if (hatData) { mp.console.logInfo(`Hat data: ${JSON.stringify(hatData)}`); } // Headblend mp.players.local.setHeadBlendData(21, 2, 0, 21, 2, 0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.0, false); const blendData = mp.game.data.getPedHeadBlendData(mp.players.local.handle); if (blendData) { mp.console.logInfo(`Headblend data: ${JSON.stringify(blendData)}`); } // Current weapon HUD stats const weaponData = mp.game.data.getWeaponHudStats(mp.players.local.weapon); if (weaponData) { mp.console.logInfo(`Current weapon HUD stats: ${JSON.stringify(weaponData)}`); } // COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04 HUD stats const componentData = mp.game.data.getWeaponComponentHudStats(mp.game.joaat("COMPONENT_AT_MUZZLE_04")); if (componentData) { mp.console.logInfo(`Component HUD stats: ${JSON.stringify(componentData)}`); } // DLC weapon data const dlcWeaponIndex = 7; const dlcWeaponData = mp.game.data.getDlcWeaponData(dlcWeaponIndex); if (dlcWeaponData) { mp.console.logInfo(`DLC weapon data: ${JSON.stringify(dlcWeaponData)}`); // First component of weapon const dlcWeaponCompData = mp.game.data.getDlcWeaponComponentData(dlcWeaponIndex, 0); if (dlcWeaponCompData) { mp.console.logInfo(`DLC weapon first component data: ${JSON.stringify(dlcWeaponCompData)}`); } } // DLC vehicle data const dlcVehicleIndex = 21; const dlcVehicleData = mp.game.data.getDlcVehicleData(dlcVehicleIndex); if (dlcVehicleData) { mp.console.logInfo(`DLC vehicle data: ${JSON.stringify(dlcVehicleData)}`); } // Outfit data const outfitHash = mp.game.joaat("DLC_MP_SUM24_M_OUTFIT_0"); // Pizza This... Outfit const outfitData = mp.game.data.getShopPedOutfit(outfitHash); if (outfitData) { mp.console.logInfo(`Outfit data: ${JSON.stringify(outfitData)}`); // First component of outfit if (outfitData.numComponents > 0) { const outfitComponentData = mp.game.data.getShopPedOutfitComponentVariant(outfitHash, 0); if (outfitComponentData) { mp.console.logInfo(`First component of outfit: ${JSON.stringify(outfitComponentData)}`); } } // First prop of outfit if (outfitData.numProps > 0) { const outfitPropData = mp.game.data.getShopPedOutfitPropVariant(outfitHash, 0); if (outfitPropData) { mp.console.logInfo(`First prop of outfit: ${JSON.stringify(outfitPropData)}`); } } } });
- If mp.game.invoke fails (trying to get non-DLC item data/invalid params etc.), return value of the function will be null.
- Most non-DLC items (core GTAV weapons like Pistol, Assault Rifle etc, initial freemode tattoos, initial freemode clothes) are not supported by the natives.
- Strings returned by the functions (textLabel, componentDesc etc.) are GXT entries. You're supposed to use them with getLabelText or GXT::get.
Edited by rootcause
v2 changes
What's New in Version 2.0.0 See changelog
This version has breaking changes!
- Added mp.game.data.getDlcVehicleData, mp.game.data.getShopPedOutfit, mp.game.data.getShopPedOutfitComponentVariant, mp.game.data.getShopPedOutfitPropVariant functions
- mp.game.data.getShopPedComponent & mp.game.data.getShopPedProp: unk1, unk2 and unk3 properties are now named cost, eShopEnum and eCharacter
- mp.game.data.getDlcWeaponData: weaponHash2 property is now named id
- mp.game.data.getTattooCollectionData: renamed to mp.game.data.getTattooShopDlcItemData
- switched to DataView for reading the buffers
- uint32 values are now int32