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About This File

This resource extends clientside mp.events object to make clientside command handling easier, which means no more splitting strings to use with if/else if or switch/case in playerCommand event



Put mp-commands into your server's client_packages directory, then add require('mp-commands'); to client_packages/index.js.


Clientside API

 * Adds a clientside command.
 * @param {string} name      Name of the command.
 * @param {function} handlerFn Function that will run when the command is used.
 * @throws {TypeError} name argument must be a string.
 * @throws {TypeError} handlerFn argument must be a function.
 * @throws {Error} Command with the given name already exists.
mp.events.addCommand(name, handlerFn);

 * Returns clientside command names.
 * @return {string[]}

 * Removes a clientside command.
 * @param  {string} name Name of the command to remove.
 * @return {boolean}

 * Removes all clientside commands.

 * (v2.0.0) Adds a console command.
 * @param {string} name      Name of the console command.
 * @param {function} handlerFn Function that will run when the console command is used.
 * @throws {TypeError} name argument must be a string.
 * @throws {TypeError} handlerFn argument must be a function.
 * @throws {Error} Console command with the given name already exists.
mp.console.addCommand(name, handlerFn);

 * (v2.0.0) Returns console command names.
 * @return {string[]}

 * (v2.0.0) Removes a console command.
 * @param  {string} name Name of the console command to remove.
 * @return {boolean}

 * (v2.0.0) Removes all console commands.



    Looks like it's serverside code but it's not, updates GTA V's cash display.
    Usage: /updmoney [amount]
mp.events.addCommand("updmoney", function (amount) {
    amount = Number(amount);

    if (!Number.isInteger(amount)) {
        mp.gui.chat.push("Invalid amount.");

    mp.game.stats.statSetInt(mp.game.joaat("SP0_TOTAL_CASH"), amount, false);

mp.events.addCommand("cmds", function () {
    mp.gui.chat.push(`Commands: ${mp.events.getCommandNames().join(", ")}`);


Example (Console)

NOTE: Console is a RAGE Multiplayer 1.1 feature, which means code below won't work on stable/prerelease/0.3.7 branch.

// Write "hat 123 0" to the console and press enter to give yourself a cool helmet.
mp.console.addCommand("hat", function (drawable, texture = 0) {
    drawable = Number(drawable);
    texture = Number(texture);

    if (!Number.isInteger(drawable) || !Number.isInteger(texture)) {
        mp.console.logError("Invalid drawable/texture.");

    if (drawable < 0) {
    } else {
        mp.players.local.setPropIndex(0, drawable, texture, true);

// Write "cmds" to the console to see available console commands.
mp.console.addCommand("cmds", function() {
    mp.console.logInfo(`Console commands: ${mp.console.getCommandNames().join(", ")}`);



  • I recommend loading mp-commands as the first script in client_packages/index.js so the functions become available in other scripts.
  • Command names are case sensitive.
  • iEsjK40.png

What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog


Added console commands

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   1 of 3 members found this review helpful 1 / 3 members

Awesome work as usual, congrats!


   1 of 3 members found this review helpful 1 / 3 members

mb /veh ?) 


   1 of 5 members found this review helpful 1 / 5 members

beast,,,,,,,,oh wait its js


its ok then i guess

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   0 of 2 members found this review helpful 0 / 2 members

thx very cool🤠

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