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Better Clientside Commands 2.0.0

   (4 reviews)

About This File

This resource extends clientside mp.events object to make clientside command handling easier, which means no more splitting strings to use with if/else if or switch/case in playerCommand event



Put mp-commands into your server's client_packages directory, then add require('mp-commands'); to client_packages/index.js.


Clientside API

 * Adds a clientside command.
 * @param {string} name      Name of the command.
 * @param {function} handlerFn Function that will run when the command is used.
 * @throws {TypeError} name argument must be a string.
 * @throws {TypeError} handlerFn argument must be a function.
 * @throws {Error} Command with the given name already exists.
mp.events.addCommand(name, handlerFn);

 * Returns clientside command names.
 * @return {string[]}

 * Removes a clientside command.
 * @param  {string} name Name of the command to remove.
 * @return {boolean}

 * Removes all clientside commands.

 * (v2.0.0) Adds a console command.
 * @param {string} name      Name of the console command.
 * @param {function} handlerFn Function that will run when the console command is used.
 * @throws {TypeError} name argument must be a string.
 * @throws {TypeError} handlerFn argument must be a function.
 * @throws {Error} Console command with the given name already exists.
mp.console.addCommand(name, handlerFn);

 * (v2.0.0) Returns console command names.
 * @return {string[]}

 * (v2.0.0) Removes a console command.
 * @param  {string} name Name of the console command to remove.
 * @return {boolean}

 * (v2.0.0) Removes all console commands.



    Looks like it's serverside code but it's not, updates GTA V's cash display.
    Usage: /updmoney [amount]
mp.events.addCommand("updmoney", function (amount) {
    amount = Number(amount);

    if (!Number.isInteger(amount)) {
        mp.gui.chat.push("Invalid amount.");

    mp.game.stats.statSetInt(mp.game.joaat("SP0_TOTAL_CASH"), amount, false);

mp.events.addCommand("cmds", function () {
    mp.gui.chat.push(`Commands: ${mp.events.getCommandNames().join(", ")}`);


Example (Console)

NOTE: Console is a RAGE Multiplayer 1.1 feature, which means code below won't work on stable/prerelease/0.3.7 branch.

// Write "hat 123 0" to the console and press enter to give yourself a cool helmet.
mp.console.addCommand("hat", function (drawable, texture = 0) {
    drawable = Number(drawable);
    texture = Number(texture);

    if (!Number.isInteger(drawable) || !Number.isInteger(texture)) {
        mp.console.logError("Invalid drawable/texture.");

    if (drawable < 0) {
    } else {
        mp.players.local.setPropIndex(0, drawable, texture, true);

// Write "cmds" to the console to see available console commands.
mp.console.addCommand("cmds", function() {
    mp.console.logInfo(`Console commands: ${mp.console.getCommandNames().join(", ")}`);



  • I recommend loading mp-commands as the first script in client_packages/index.js so the functions become available in other scripts.
  • Command names are case sensitive.
  • iEsjK40.png

What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog


Added console commands

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   1 of 3 members found this review helpful 1 / 3 members

Awesome work as usual, congrats!

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   1 of 5 members found this review helpful 1 / 5 members

beast,,,,,,,,oh wait its js


its ok then i guess

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   0 of 2 members found this review helpful 0 / 2 members

thx very cool🤠

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