About This File
This is a C# port of the Player List script by rootcause.
All credits go to root for the actual resource and the description, which i just yoinked and slightly altered.
ZitatRequires RAGE Multiplayer 1.1.0 and above.
This resource adds a GTA Online like player list to your server.
Put GTAOPlayerlist into your server's client_packages/cs_packages directory.
Z = Toggle player list visibility.
PageUp = Move to the next page.
PageDown = Move to the previous page.
You have the ability to customize how a player is displayed in the list. Here's a list of shared variable keys used for customization:
PlayerListColor = This shared variable is used to specify which background color the player will have in the list. Uses an integer (HUD color ID), so go check the wiki.
PlayerListTag = This shared variable is used to give players a crew/clan tag next to their name in the list. Setting this value to more than 5 characters isn't recommended since the scaleform displays up to 5 characters.
TomGrobbe - mp_mm_card_freemode scaleform research
@rootcause - for the original JS resource and testing of the C# resource
- This script uses mp.gui.chat.show function to toggle chat visibility when a player opens/closes the player list. Meaning if you have a custom chat, this resource might fail to toggle chat visibility.
Source code will be available on github oneday...