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Failed to retrieve install directory

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So I'm trying to set up rage MP and I keep coming across this issue: "Failed to retrieve install directory. Specify your game path now? Press cancel to terminate RAGE Multiplayer".

After which it prompts me to select the GTA 5 directory. So, I link it to the GTA directory via Steam/steamapps/common then Grand Theft Auto V on my D drive. I click 'OK' and I get the same message asking for me to Specify the game path.

Any suggestions? I'm kind of at a loss here...

Posted (edited)

Yes. Heck, even for good measure I tried multiple times trying other directories up and down the directory path.

No. There is only one copy of GTA 5 installed. I've never had an issue with any other GTA 5 MP client, just this one. :|

Edited by Deaston
7 hours ago, Deaston said:

Yes. Heck, even for good measure I tried multiple times trying other directories up and down the directory path.

No. There is only one copy of GTA 5 installed. I've never had an issue with any other GTA 5 MP client, just this one. :|

I'm totally unsure on what other advice to give. Like I said this is the first time I've seen anyone say this wasn't working. Maybe you aren't getting permissions to change your path. Try installing it in another directory and be sure to run as an administrator.


Already tried installing it on different directories. Likewise, I've been doing this on my admin account and even specifically used the option 'run as administrator'. It made no difference whatsoever. ☹️

  • 2 months later...

Did you find a solution. I have the same problem. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 4/7/2018 at 8:57 PM, MrPancakers said:

 Do you have more than 2 GTA V's installed?

I have 2 GTA V's installed: one for MP and other with a lot of mods to SP.
Rage mp (using the MP GTA V path) works great. It isn't a problem ;)

Edited by joew

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