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Hello everyone!

I've got some errors with the linux bridge package. Some assemblies are not found by the server (and yes, they're in the runtime directory because they come with the bridge package).

-> Starting admin resource..
admin: loading scripts.. found 1 script(s)
admin: reading referenced assemblies.. found 1 reference(s)
admin: warning, netstandard.dll is not found!
admin: compiling scripts..
admin: instantiating Main.AdminScript..
admin: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
admin: loaded 2 server events(s)
admin: loading commands.. found 9 command(s)
admin: loaded 9 commands(s)
-> Resource admin started!

Complete version:


Starting RAGE Multiplayer server...


	MaxPlayers:		100
	Sync rate:		40
	Name:			RAGE:MP Unofficial server
	Gamemode:		freeroam
	Streaming distance:	500
	Announcement:		disabled
	Connection limits:	disabled
	Encryption:		disabled
	NodeJS:			enabled
	C#:			enabled


[N] Starting network... - OK: (IPv4-only) at
(node:2424) ExperimentalWarning: The ESM module loader is experimental.
Loading packages
Initializing bridge (
Initializing Bootstrapper.dll (
-> SERVER STARTED AT 05/06/2018 16:43:52
ACLEnabled: True
Loaded 451 entries from vehicleData.json
Loading resources..
-> Starting admin resource..
admin: loading scripts.. found 1 script(s)
admin: reading referenced assemblies.. found 1 reference(s)
admin: warning, netstandard.dll is not found!
admin: compiling scripts..
admin: instantiating Main.AdminScript..
admin: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
admin: loaded 2 server events(s)
admin: loading commands.. found 9 command(s)
admin: loaded 9 commands(s)
-> Resource admin started!
-> Starting welcomemessages resource..
welcomemessages: loading scripts.. found 1 script(s)
welcomemessages: compiling scripts..
welcomemessages: instantiating WelcomeMessages..
welcomemessages: loading server events.. found 2 server event(s)
welcomemessages: loaded 2 server events(s)
-> Resource welcomemessages started!
Started! Waiting for connections..
[P] Plugin bridge.so loaded!
Started HTTP server at 22006 port.



In this case, the resource doesn't need methods from the assembly (so, it doesn't really matter...) and it won't prevent the compilation.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Prepare a fresh install of linux server (with the bridge!).
  2. Go through bridge resources directory and open meta.xml in "admin/" (for example).
  3. Paste this new content:
      <info name="Administration Utilities" author="Guadmaz" type="script" />     
      <assembly ref="netstandard.dll"/>
      <script src="admin.cs"/>


  4. Start the server.


This will not work with all of the assemblies. For example, System.Linq.dll will be detected and System.Linq.Queryable.dll will not.

All of my tests have been done on Debian 9 and Ubuntu 16.04 (with all required deps).

I don't know what to do to solve the problem... maybe an assembly version problem?



  I had the same problem, relative paths solved the problem


        <assembly ref="System.Data.Common.dll" />
        <assembly ref="../../runtime/System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll" />


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