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[Server Side c#] attributes don't work


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Hello to all,

I started learning API on the c # serve side. I tried to write a spawn system player. I checked the documentation and found the code:

public void OnPlayerConnected(Client player)
    NAPI.Player.SpawnPlayer(player, new Vector3(2, 5, 8)); // Will spawn the player at the given position

My compiler is showing me an error: the type or namespace “DisableDefaultOnConnectSpawnAttribute” could not be found. Can anybody help me?

Thank you in advance

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12 минуты назад, Flashrex сказал:

Use this:



I tried to do that) But my "OnPlayerConnected" method doesn't work)

public void OnPlayerConnected(Client player)
     NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToAll("~b~ Connected!");


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31 минуту назад, Flashrex сказал:

Show me your console.

Did you add :Script after your class name?

For example:

class Main : Script {


Did you include your resource in your settings.xml?

<resource src="myGamemode" />


Yes, I did. 
I can show you my code: 

using System.Collections.Generic;
using GTANetworkAPI;

namespace CriminalBelarus
    public class Main : Script
        private List<Vehicle> _vehicles = new List<Vehicle>();

        public void OnResourceStart()
            NAPI.Server.SetDefaultSpawnLocation(new Vector3(-1036.182, -2729.434, 13.75665));


            NAPI.Util.ConsoleOutput("Criminal Belarus has been loaded!");


        public void OnPlayerConnected(Client player)
            NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToAll($"~b~ Hello!");

        private void SpawnPlayer(Client player)
            Vector3 spawnPos = new Vector3(-1036.182, -2729.434, 13.75665);

            NAPI.Player.SpawnPlayer(player, spawnPos);
            player.Position = spawnPos;
            player.Health = 100;

        private void SpawnCars()
            VehicleHash vehcleHash = NAPI.Util.VehicleNameToModel("tribike2");

            Vehicle vehicle = NAPI.Vehicle.CreateVehicle(vehcleHash, new Vector3(-1019, -2692.058, 13.99043), 59, 27, 27);
            Vehicle vehicle2 = NAPI.Vehicle.CreateVehicle(vehcleHash, new Vector3(-1017, -2688.171, 13.99043), 59, 27, 27);


Yes, I included resuorces in settings.xml OnResourceLoaded-Event was executed, but OnPlayerConnected-Event was not executed. In another script, "welcomemessages" is the default script that the OnPlayerConnected-Event was executed. This is so strange)

Edited by blumi
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Are you compiling your resource on .Net Core 2.2?

Did you reference the bootstrapper.dll directly or are you using the nuget? (Nuget is outdated)

Is the bootstrapper and the bridge both on (look in server-console)?

Edited by Flashrex
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2 минуты назад, Flashrex сказал:

Are you compiling your resource on .Net Core 2.2?

Did you reference the bootstrapper.dll directly or are you using the nuget? (Nuget is outdated)

Is the bootstrapper and the bridge both on (look in server-console)?

I'm compiling resource on .Net Core 2.0. Maybe this is the reason)
Here is Console output Image

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