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[Server Side c#] Chat messaging


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Hello to all!

I have a question about chat messaging. I read the OnChatMessage documentation. There was an example for filtering bad words. The [DisableDefaultChat] attribute was used to disable the default chat behavior, but it was written that this attribute was not yet implemented. What can I use instead of this attribute for the same behavior?

Thank you in advance

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NAPI.Data.SetEntityData(player, "muted", 1);

public void OnChatMessage(Client player, string message)
    if(NAPI.Data.GetEntityData(player, "muted")) {
  	NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToPlayer(player, "You're muted");

    NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToAll(player.Name + ": " + message);

I assume u want to mute the player.

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1 час назад, GangstaSunny сказал:

NAPI.Data.SetEntityData(player, "muted", 1);

public void OnChatMessage(Client player, string message)
    if(NAPI.Data.GetEntityData(player, "muted")) {
  	NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToPlayer(player, "You're muted");

    NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToAll(player.Name + ": " + message);

I assume u want to mute the player.

Hey. Thank you for your reply. I meant remove player message and display this message with custom text formating.

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57 минут назад, GangstaSunny сказал:

So if someone sends "word" you want to edit the text and output "wo*d" instead (for example), right?

https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=OnChatMessage&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop the example on the bottom of the page is not working? or do I still don't get what you want.


kind regards

Yes, I mean it. In this example, the [Disable Default Chat] attribute does not work. Will the [return] keyword cancel the player message?

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10 часов назад, GangstaSunny сказал:

So if someone sends "word" you want to edit the text and output "wo*d" instead (for example), right?

https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=OnChatMessage&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop the example on the bottom of the page is not working? or do I still don't get what you want.


kind regards

I tried to make a chat like in your example. I wrote a small function for displaying a player's messages in the chat in any format and did not display messages that were written from the game chat. Here is my code:

        public void OnChatMessage(Client player, string message)
            string playerName = player.Name.Replace("_", " ");
            TimeSpan time = NAPI.World.GetTime();

            NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToAll($"[{time.Hours}:{time.Minutes}:{time.Seconds}]~b~{playerName}: ~w~{message}");

When I compiled the project and tried to write something in the chat, I saw 2 messages in the chat. The first message was my message, which I wrote using the code, and the second message was the message that the player wrote from the game chat. Here is picture: 

Chat messages

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10 минут назад, Sleepy сказал:

        public void OnChatMessage(Client player, string message)
            string playerName = player.Name.Replace("_", " ");
            TimeSpan time = NAPI.World.GetTime();

            NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToAll($"[{time.Hours}:{time.Minutes}:{time.Seconds}]~b~{playerName}: ~w~{message}");


I beg your pardon. Such issue. Why use return in a method of type "void"? 

We use "return" to stop the execution of the method. I used return at the end of the method because I thought it would not execute the default chat logic.

Edited by blumi
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7 часов назад, Sleepy сказал:

I understood. ☺️

If you interested of this problem I found Server-Side command:


I can't verify it now, but I will write here when I check this command.

Yes it works. This team solved my problem.

Edited by blumi
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