cacao Posted July 5, 2020 Posted July 5, 2020 (edited) The command&events decorators (@command, @commandable, @event, @eventable) Information Installation Disadvantages Examples Sources Event decorator 1. Information: There is a snippet which helps to registry any commands/events to Rage API with the simple interface by using decorators. Library: rage-decorators [github] [npm-package] If you're using typescript, make sure there two options (experimentalDecorators, emitDecoratorMetadata) are true in your tsconfig.json: { "compilerOptions": { "experimentalDecorators": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true }, } 2. Installation: Via npm: $ npm i --save rage-decorators Via yarn: $ yarn add rage-decorators 3. Disadvantages: Disadvantage 1: the snippet requires rage-decorators package 4. Examples: Simple example: Скрытый текст Foo.ts import { command, commandable } from 'rage-decorators' // Tell the decorator that class should be resolved and register all their commands @commandable() class Foo { // Register a new command "foo" @command("foo") foo(player: PlayerMp, cmdDesc: string, bar?: string) { const text = "hello" + (bar || "") player.outputChatBox(text) } // Register two new commands "bar", "baz" @command(["bar", "baz"]) bar(player: PlayerMp, cmdDesc: string, bar?: string) { player.outputChatBox("Invoked command bar, allows usage bar/baz") } // "Register new command "player" with custom description @command("player", { desc: "Usage /{{cmdName}} [id]"}) playerExists(player: PlayerMp, cmdDesc: string, id: string) { if (typeof id === 'undefined') { player.outputChatBox(cmdDesc) } else { const has = !! player.outputChatBox('Player ' + (has ? 'exists': 'doesn\'t exists')) } } // Register new group command "/veh add" @command("add", "veh") vehAdd(): void { // code staff here... } // Throw an error 'Error: Duplicate command "veh"' @command("veh") veh(): void { } @command("remove", { group: "veh", desc: "Usage /{{groupName}} {{cmdName}} [id|code]" }) vehDelete(player: PlayerMp, cmdDesc: string, ..args: any[]): void { player.outputChatBox(cmdDesc) } } App.ts // we should import this package before our decorators import 'reflect-metadata' import { Foo } from './foo' // When an instance is created our commands is registered const foo = new Foo() My example of command list: Скрытый текст import { command, commandable, registeredCommands } from "rage-decorators" @commandable() class CommandManager { static readonly PER_PAGE = 10 private _list: string[] = [] private _maxPages: number = 0 constructor() { this.cmdlist = this.cmdlist.bind(this) } @command("cmdlist") cmdlist(player: PlayerMp, cmdDesc: string, pagination: string = "1"): void { const page = (+pagination || 1) > this.maxPages && this.maxPages || (+pagination || 1) const startIndex = (page - 1) * CommandManager.PER_PAGE , endIndex = page * CommandManager.PER_PAGE const cmds = this.list.slice(startIndex, endIndex) cmds.forEach((text, index) => player.outputChatBox(`[${startIndex+index+1}]: ` + text)) player.outputChatBox(`Page: ${page}, showing commands [${startIndex+1}..${startIndex+cmds.length}] of ${this.list.length}`) } private makeList(): void { let texts: string[] = [] registeredCommands.forEach((value, mainCmd) => { if (Array.isArray(value)) { let hasDescription = false const cmds = value.reduce((carry, { cmd, desc }) => { if (!hasDescription && desc) hasDescription = true return carry.concat(desc || cmd) }, [] as string[]) texts = [...texts, ...(hasDescription && cmds || => `/${mainCmd} ${cmdName}`))] } else { const { cmd, desc } = value texts = [...texts, ...(desc || => `/${cmdName}`))] } }) this._list = texts } get list(): string[] { if (!this._list.length) this.makeList() return this._list } get maxPages(): number { if (!this._maxPages) this._maxPages = Math.ceil(this.list.length / CommandManager.PER_PAGE) return this._maxPages } } export { CommandManager } App.ts // this is our entry script, so // import reflect-metadat before decorators import 'reflect-metadata' import { CommandManager } from './CommandManager // Our commands now are registered const commandManager = new CommandManager() Here is an example of /cmdlist 5. Source: Sources is now allowed on github repository and as npm package: the source of decorators.ts (server-side only, for supporting events, client-side usage npm package) Скрытый текст /** * An interface of command entity */ export interface ICommand { cmd: string[], desc: string[] callable: string, group?: string } /** * A collection of commands */ export type CommandCollection = Map<string, ICommand | ICommand[]> /** * A storage of commands which is called by decorator command */ export const registeredCommands: CommandCollection = new Map<string, ICommand | ICommand[]>() /** * Resolve any commands which passed to classes commandable */ export const commandable = (): any => { return function (target: any): any { return class extends target { constructor(...args: any[]) { // first we must call an inherited constructor super(...args) // then we start record our commands to Rage API // check if commands has already registered if (!Reflect.getMetadata("design:cmdlist:init", target.prototype)) { const commands: CommandCollection = Reflect.getMetadata("design:cmdlist", target.prototype) || [] // register commands in Rage API commands.forEach((command, mainCmd) => { // check if the command is a group command if (Array.isArray(command)) { // flat array of commands const cmdList = command.reduce((carry, { cmd }) => carry.concat(cmd), [] as string[]) // flat array of descriptions const descList = command.reduce((carry, { desc }) => carry.concat(desc), [] as string[]) // make a group command, (player: PlayerMp, fullText: string, ...args: string[]) => { const cmdName = args.shift() // check if current subcommand in command group // otherwise send a message to a player if (!cmdName || cmdList.indexOf(cmdName) === -1) { descList.forEach(text => player.outputChatBox(text)) } else { for (let { cmd, callable } of command) { // check if command exists if (cmd.indexOf(cmdName) !== -1) { // call registered command with [this] context of current class const descIndex = cmdList.findIndex(cmdname => cmdname === cmdName) this[callable](player, descList[descIndex], ...args) break } } } }) } else { // make a common command // and then call the registered command with [this] context of current class const { cmd, callable, desc } = command cmd.forEach((cmdName, cmdIndex) => cmdName, (player: PlayerMp, fullText: string, ...args: any[]) => this[callable](player, desc[cmdIndex], ...args) )) } }) // set flag to target.prototype that all their commands are registered Reflect.defineMetadata("design:cmdlist:init", true, target.prototype) } } } } } /** * Decorator for adding commands to RAGE API * * Supports templates in the desc param: * @template cmdName - name of command * @template groupName - name of group (if added in the additional params) * * @example {desc parameter}: `Usage: /{{cmdName}} id` * * @param {string | string[]} cmd - command(s) name, which will be added to * @param {string | { group?: string, desc?: string }} params - additional params, add to group or add to description */ export const command = ( cmd: string | string[], params?: string | { group?: string, desc?: string } ): MethodDecorator => { let group: string | undefined = undefined let desc: string | undefined = undefined // detect which params are passed to function if (typeof params === 'string') { group = params } else if (params) { group = desc = params.desc } // make sure we have an array in the cmd // and clean any duplicate cmds which passed into the params cmd = (Array.isArray(cmd) ? cmd : [cmd]) const cmds = cmd.filter((item, index) => cmd.indexOf(item) === index) // get a main cmd const mainCmd = group || cmds[0] /** @todo seterror, setlocale */ // throw erros if something has gone wrong if (!mainCmd) throw new Error("Wrong registry command") if (!group && registeredCommands.get(mainCmd)) throw new Error(`Duplicate command "${mainCmd}"`) if (group) { const command = registeredCommands.get(mainCmd) if (command) { if (Array.isArray(command)) { const flatCmds = command.reduce((carry, { cmd }) => carry.concat(cmd), [] as string[]) const intersect = cmds.filter(value => flatCmds.includes(value)) // make sure we won't add duplicate commands into group if (intersect.length) throw new Error(`Duplicate commands "${intersect.join(',')}" by group "${mainCmd}"`) } else { const { cmd } = command // make sure we won't add duplicate commands which intersect with group if (cmd.includes(mainCmd)) throw new Error(`Duplicate commands "${mainCmd}", trying to make a command group when a command has already existed`) } } } else { registeredCommands.forEach(value => { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { const { cmd } = value const intersect = cmds.filter(value => cmd.includes(value)) // make sure we won't add duplicate commands if (intersect.length) throw new Error(`Duplicate commands "${intersect.join(',')}"`) } }) } let description: string[] = [] // make the description of commands if (desc) { description = => { let newDescription = desc!.replace(/{{cmdName}}/, cmdname) if (group) newDescription = newDescription.replace(/{{groupName}}/, mainCmd) return newDescription }) } else { description = => `Usage /${group && (group + ' ' + cmdname) || cmdname}`) } // make a new object of command const newCommand: ICommand = { cmd: cmds, callable: "", desc: description, } // store in global storage our commands if (group) { const command = registeredCommands.get(mainCmd) registeredCommands.set(mainCmd, Array.isArray(command) ? [...command, newCommand] : [newCommand]) } else { registeredCommands.set(mainCmd, newCommand) } return function(target: Object, callableMethod: string | symbol, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>) { const targetCommands: CommandCollection = Reflect.getMetadata("design:cmdlist", target) || new Map<string, ICommand>() // throw error if we're trying add command to not callable value if (!(descriptor.value instanceof Function)) throw new Error(`Command "${mainCmd}" should be callable`) newCommand.callable = callableMethod.toString() // store in target context storage our commands to pass them into constructor // where we will can register them in Rage API if (group) { const command = targetCommands.get(mainCmd) targetCommands.set(mainCmd, Array.isArray(command) ? [...command, newCommand] : [newCommand]) } else { targetCommands.set(mainCmd, newCommand) } Reflect.defineMetadata("design:cmdlist", targetCommands, target) return descriptor } } the source of decorators.js (server-side only, for supporting events, client-side usage npm package) Скрытый текст "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.command = exports.commandable = exports.registeredCommands = void 0; exports.registeredCommands = new Map(); exports.commandable = () => { return function (target) { return class extends target { constructor(...args) { super(...args); if (!Reflect.getMetadata("design:cmdlist:init", target.prototype)) { const commands = Reflect.getMetadata("design:cmdlist", target.prototype) || []; commands.forEach((command, mainCmd) => { if (Array.isArray(command)) { const cmdList = command.reduce((carry, { cmd }) => carry.concat(cmd), []); const descList = command.reduce((carry, { desc }) => carry.concat(desc), []);, (player, fullText, ...args) => { const cmdName = args.shift(); if (!cmdName || cmdList.indexOf(cmdName) === -1) { descList.forEach(text => player.outputChatBox(text)); } else { for (let { cmd, callable } of command) { if (cmd.indexOf(cmdName) !== -1) { const descIndex = cmdList.findIndex(cmdname => cmdname === cmdName); this[callable](player, descList[descIndex], ...args); break; } } } }); } else { const { cmd, callable, desc } = command; cmd.forEach((cmdName, cmdIndex) =>, (player, fullText, ...args) => this[callable](player, desc[cmdIndex], ...args))); } }); Reflect.defineMetadata("design:cmdlist:init", true, target.prototype); } } }; }; }; exports.command = (cmd, params) => { let group = undefined; let desc = undefined; if (typeof params === 'string') { group = params; } else if (params) { group =; desc = params.desc; } cmd = (Array.isArray(cmd) ? cmd : [cmd]); const cmds = cmd.filter((item, index) => cmd.indexOf(item) === index); const mainCmd = group || cmds[0]; if (!mainCmd) throw new Error("Wrong registry command"); if (!group && exports.registeredCommands.get(mainCmd)) throw new Error(`Duplicate command "${mainCmd}"`); if (group) { const command = exports.registeredCommands.get(mainCmd); if (command) { if (Array.isArray(command)) { const flatCmds = command.reduce((carry, { cmd }) => carry.concat(cmd), []); const intersect = cmds.filter(value => flatCmds.includes(value)); if (intersect.length) throw new Error(`Duplicate commands "${intersect.join(',')}" by group "${mainCmd}"`); } else { const { cmd } = command; if (cmd.includes(mainCmd)) throw new Error(`Duplicate commands "${mainCmd}", trying to make a command group when a command has already existed`); } } } else { exports.registeredCommands.forEach(value => { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { const { cmd } = value; const intersect = cmds.filter(value => cmd.includes(value)); if (intersect.length) throw new Error(`Duplicate commands "${intersect.join(',')}"`); } }); } let description = []; if (desc) { description = => { let newDescription = desc.replace(/{{cmdName}}/, cmdname); if (group) newDescription = newDescription.replace(/{{groupName}}/, mainCmd); return newDescription; }); } else { description = => `Usage /${group && (group + ' ' + cmdname) || cmdname}`); } const newCommand = { cmd: cmds, callable: "", desc: description, }; if (group) { const command = exports.registeredCommands.get(mainCmd); exports.registeredCommands.set(mainCmd, Array.isArray(command) ? [...command, newCommand] : [newCommand]); } else { exports.registeredCommands.set(mainCmd, newCommand); } return function (target, callableMethod, descriptor) { const targetCommands = Reflect.getMetadata("design:cmdlist", target) || new Map(); if (!(descriptor.value instanceof Function)) throw new Error(`Command "${mainCmd}" should be callable`); newCommand.callable = callableMethod.toString(); if (group) { const command = targetCommands.get(mainCmd); targetCommands.set(mainCmd, Array.isArray(command) ? [...command, newCommand] : [newCommand]); } else { targetCommands.set(mainCmd, newCommand); } Reflect.defineMetadata("design:cmdlist", targetCommands, target); return descriptor; }; }; 6. Event decorator: Event decorator is now avaliable in npm package, here an usaging example: import { eventable, event } from 'rage-decorators' @eventable() class Foo { @event("playerJoin") playerJoin(player: PlayerMp): void { console.log(`Player[${}]${} has joined to the server`) } } Edited July 6, 2020 by cacao v. 1.1.4, Added clientside support 3
cacao Posted July 5, 2020 Author Posted July 5, 2020 I've added npm package for more easier way to install them.
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