Quantum123 Posted October 18, 2020 Posted October 18, 2020 Hey all, I need some help to find out how to workaround or fix my code, since there are compilation errors ("Missing assembly x"). - The error output is down below. Here is my code: public static void AddClothsToMenu(UIMenu menu, JArray array, int componentID, JArray ownedClothes) { foreach (JObject element in array) { int drawable = int.Parse(element["drawable"].ToString()); int texture = int.Parse(element["texture"].ToString()); int price = int.Parse(element["price"].ToString()); string itemName = element["name"].ToString(); string RLText = ""; UIMenuItem item = new UIMenuItem(itemName); JObject currentObject = new JObject() { new JProperty("texture", texture), new JProperty("drawable", drawable) }; if (componentID == -1) currentObject.Add(new JProperty("componentId", element["cid"])); if (ownedClothes.Contains(currentObject)) { //item.SetRightBadge(UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Clothes); RLText = "Gekauft"; } else { RLText = $"{price},00$"; } item.SetRightLabel(RLText); item.Activated += (UIMenu sender, UIMenuItem senderItem) => { RAGE.Elements.Player p = RAGE.Elements.Player.LocalPlayer; bool canDress = true; // If Cloth is not bought yet, charge the player the price of the cloth if (!(/*senderItem.RightLabel*/RLText == "Gekauft")) // Wenn nicht gekauft { canDress = false; if (p.GetSharedData("Cash") != null) { if (int.Parse(p.GetSharedData("Cash").ToString()) > price) { canDress = true; } } } if (canDress & p.GetSharedData("OwnedClothes") != null) { Events.CallRemote("cash_reduce", (float) price); JObject obj = new JObject(); if (componentID >= 0) { obj.Add(new JProperty("componentId", componentID)); } else if (componentID == -1) { obj.Add(new JProperty("componentId", element["cid"])); } obj.Add(new JProperty("drawable", element["drawable"])); obj.Add(new JProperty("texture", element["texture"])); obj.Add(new JProperty("save", true)); obj.Add(new JProperty("sync", true)); Events.CallRemote("set_synced_outfit", obj.ToString()); // Updating OwnedClothes database row (Updating owned clothes list) JObject AllClothData = JObject.Parse(p.GetSharedData("OwnedClothes").ToString()); JArray currentComponentArray = (JArray) AllClothData[componentID.ToString()]; JObject newItem = new JObject(); newItem.Add(new JProperty("drawable", element["drawable"])); newItem.Add(new JProperty("texture", element["texture"])); if (componentID == -1) newItem.Add(new JProperty("componentId", element["cid"])); currentComponentArray.Add(newItem); AllClothData[componentID.ToString()] = currentComponentArray; Events.CallRemote("UPDATE_OwnedClothes", AllClothData); // Updating Clothes database row (Updating currently wearing clothes to be loaded on new logon) if (componentID >= 0) { JObject currentClothes = JObject.Parse(p.GetSharedData("Clothes").ToString()); /* COMMENTED OUT DUE TO HARD TO READ */ //currentClothes[componentID] = new JObject() { new JProperty("drawable",element["drawable"]), new JProperty("texture", element["texture"]) }; // Our current Component, that is gonna be changed JObject currentComponent = (JObject)currentClothes[componentID]; currentComponent["drawable"] = element["drawable"]; currentComponent["texture"] = element["texture"]; currentClothes[componentID] = currentComponent; Events.CallRemote("UPDATE_Clothes", currentClothes); } else { JObject currentClothes = JObject.Parse(p.GetSharedData("Clothes").ToString()); /* COMMENTED OUT DUE TO HARD TO READ */ //currentClothes[componentID] = new JObject() { new JProperty("drawable",element["drawable"]), new JProperty("texture", element["texture"]) }; // Our current Component, that is gonna be changed JObject currentComponent = (JObject)currentClothes[element["cid"]]; currentComponent["drawable"] = element["drawable"]; currentComponent["texture"] = element["texture"]; currentClothes[element["cid"]] = currentComponent; Events.CallRemote("UPDATE_Clothes", currentClothes); } } else { string message = "~r~Du hast nicht genug Geld dabei!"; if (p.GetSharedData("Cash") != null) { int cash = int.Parse(p.GetSharedData("Cash").ToString()); message += $"\nDir fehlen ~y~{(price - cash)},00$"; } SendNotification(message); } }; menu.AddItem(item); } } The errors started to occur when the Activated event got complicated. The compilation errors: C#: compiling scripts.. CS0012: Der Typ "ITypedList" ist in einer nicht referenzierten Assembly definiert. Fügen Sie einen Verweis auf die Assembly "System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" hinzu. -> D:\Programme\RageMP\client_resources\\cs_packages\Helper.cs:29 CS0012: Der Typ "IBindingList" ist in einer nicht referenzierten Assembly definiert. Fügen Sie einen Verweis auf die Assembly "System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" hinzu. -> D:\Programme\RageMP\client_resources\\cs_packages\Helper.cs:29 CS0012: Der Typ "INotifyCollectionChanged" ist in einer nicht referenzierten Assembly definiert. Fügen Sie einen Verweis auf die Assembly "System.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" hinzu. -> D:\Programme\RageMP\client_resources\\cs_packages\Helper.cs:29 CS0012: Der Typ "INotifyPropertyChanged" ist in einer nicht referenzierten Assembly definiert. Fügen Sie einen Verweis auf die Assembly "System.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" hinzu. -> D:\Programme\RageMP\client_resources\\cs_packages\Helper.cs:29 CS0012: Der Typ "ICustomTypeDescriptor" ist in einer nicht referenzierten Assembly definiert. Fügen Sie einen Verweis auf die Assembly "System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" hinzu. -> D:\Programme\RageMP\client_resources\\cs_packages\Helper.cs:29 CS0012: Der Typ "INotifyPropertyChanging" ist in einer nicht referenzierten Assembly definiert. Fügen Sie einen Verweis auf die Assembly "System.ObjectModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" hinzu. -> D:\Programme\RageMP\client_resources\\cs_packages\Helper.cs:29 TIP: Line 29 is the declaration - UIMenuItem item = new UIMenuItem(itemName); Please help me as I can't continue to develop on this system for now, I tried a lot. Thanks in advance!
Quantum123 Posted November 2, 2020 Author Posted November 2, 2020 Hey, does still no one got a idea about this?
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