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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Hello again, Ragers. This minigame is the same as the one in the base game heists. It's purely scaleform, and no CEF. (Thanks to Develuxe for C# version) Simply put this into client_packages, and add this to your index.js: require('./CircuitBreaker'); It has three events: CircuitBreakerWIN - This event is called on the client when the client player has successfully won the minigame CircuitBreakerLOSE - This event is called on the client when the client player quits, or fails to complete the minigame CircuitBreakerStart - This event is callable on the client (from server with player.call), and is used as follows: // Lives (any number), this number is the total amount of lives for all levels // Difficulty (0-4), where 0 is easiest and 4 is hardest // Level Count (1-6), how many levels have to be completed player.call('CircuitBreakerStart', /* lives */ 3, /* difficulty */ 1, /* level count */ 2);
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Minigame from the original heist update, done with scaleform without CEF. Installing: Put all files in client_packages\cs_packages\ To call that script: Event name: CircuitBreakerStart Event args: Count of Lives (1 - 10) Difficulty Level (0 - 4) (0 is beginner, 4 is expert) Levels to complete (1 - 6) C# Server Example: player.TriggerEvent("CircuitBreakerStart", 5, 1, 6); Game results events: CircuitBreakerWIN - is called at client side, when player succeed at all levels, no args. CircuitBreakerLOSE - is called at client side, when player quits (Q button) OR lost all his lives, no args. If you are using JS client side: You need to create 2 events (described above) at your client side to catch game results. If you are using C# client side: You can just modify 2 methods inside Main.cs, which already contains both methods to catch game results. Minigame Preview, done on this system:
  3. Вчера отошёл от компьютера на пару минут, прихожу со мной совершались какие-то действия (не понял что именно), но я оказался при смерти случайно нажал не вызывать медиков. В результате мне через пару минут позвонили, надо было срочно собираться и я вышел из игры. Ну как и предполагал сегодня захожу бан. Пожалуйста разблокируйте аккаунт ато очень уж хочется играть с другом.
  4. прочти что побеспокоил но у меня не заходит на сервера и пишет ошибку error:versions
  5. OVERVIEW Rage MM stands for Rage Mini Missions. Our intention is to create a bunch of game-modes that randomly1 rotate on a per-round basis in the most simplest way possible. To achieve this we've adopted a WYSIWYG approach and you will notice that all our UI is very basic (for now). We are trying to provide the play-ability of this server as one that is built with the current stability of what resources can be used (taken in to consideration). Currently we offer a Race mode. We are currently in Alpha. This being said, there may be issues from time-to-time, but we have put some effort in to ensuring that after any crash/glitch that will cause services to be shut down, will recover on their own. We are currently working on: Cops n Robbers TDM We try not to plan too far ahead. PLAY Connect directly: play.rage-mm.com:22005 ( or find us in the masterlist, our server name begins with "Rage-MM.com" Our servers run on a guaranteed 99% (I made this number up) up-time, meaning that, if the server was to crash (which can happen from time to time, especially in our current alpha state) then it will automatically boot right up for your convenience. Basically it just reboots itself, nothing fancy about it. WEBSITE Rage-MM.com We have a very simple website to hold our landing page and provide basic information for our game server. We will be upgrading this at some point. We use Discord for communication. FAQ Q: Contact details? A: We used Discord for communication, you can catch "Mew" (shit posting) or "GreenFanta" on Rage.MP discord, or you can join the RAGE-MM Discord. - Q: Staff vacancies? A: We are assuming that the need for assistance in the form of support, administration and development (in many aspects) will arise and we are open to those who are willing. Give us a shout on Discord. DEVELOPMENT & TEAM We have a checklist of game-modes on our Trello. As mentioned, we are trying to keep things as simple as possible, which is also why we are releasing to the public with only one mode. 1. We currently make use of Pseudo-RNG for all randomisation and will be adopting Quantum-RNG at a later stage.
  6. locuras GTA V
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