About This File
Features overview
- Account system with timed bans
- A simple admin system
- Spawn protection (optional)
- Weapon shops and garages
- Crouching
- Killstreaks
- Different firing modes (single, burst, auto, safe mode)
- Turf capturing
Getting started
- Put the files in their respective places
- Go to packages/thewire/config.json and write your database information
- Import the database.sql file using phpMyAdmin and such
- Start your server, should be done
Making yourself admin
- Make an account
- Go to accounts table and set Admin field's value to 1 OR run a query to do it: UPDATE accounts SET Admin=1 WHERE Username='YourAccountName'
- Save and login ingame
Team management
- Go to packages/thewire/data/teamData.json, teams are stored in this file as key:value
- For ColorName and ColorHex, check WIKI: Fonts and Colors
- For VehicleColor, check WIKI: Vehicle Colors
- For BlipColor, check WIKI: Blips
- If you remove a key:value pair, you'll remove that team
- Save file & restart the server
Adding/removing vehicles
- Go to packages/thewire/data/teamData.json, vehicles are connected to teams
- Add your vehicle model name (e.g zentorno) to the Vehicles array of the team(s) you want
- Go to packages/thewire/data/vehiclePrices.json
- Add your vehicle model name and price. (e.g "zentorno": 10000)
- Save files & restart the server
Adding/removing weapons
- Go to packages/thewire/data/weaponPrices.json
- Make sure the weapon you want to add is valid! See WIKI: Weapons
- Add your weapon name and price. (e.g "WEAPON_PISTOL50": 900)
- Save file
- Go to client_packages/cef/weaponIcons
- Add your weapon icon with the file name being your weapon hash (not the name!)
- Restart the server
This file is located in packages/thewire/ and lets you control a lot of things.
database: Write your database information here.
dbLogging: Lets you control which parts of logging is enabled. A lot of stuff are being logged by default.
loginDimension: The dimension joined players get sent to. (Default: -1)
startingMoney: The amount of money registered players get. (Default: 1500)
spawnProtectionSeconds: Duration of the spawn protection, in seconds. (Default: 5)
accountSaveInterval: Interval of the auto save to prevent stat loss, in minutes. (Default: 10)
killRewardMin and killRewardMax: The amount of money players get for killing an enemy. (Default: 100 and 200)
teamKillPenalty: The amount of money loss players get for team killing. (Default: 1000)
killstreakReward: The base amount of money a player gets for a 5+ killstreak. Killstreak reward is calculated as: killstreakCount * reward on every factor of 5. (Default: 100)
weaponShopMagCount: How many magazines a player gets when they buy a weapon. (Default: 6)
playerVehicleSpawnLimit: How many vehicles a player can have spawned at once. (Default: 5)
turfCaptureMaxProgressIncrease: Turf attack progress cap. People more than this amount isn't required in the checkpoint. (Default: 5)
turfCaptureRequiredProgress: Required progress to capture a turf. (Default: 50)
turfIncomeInterval: Interval of the turf income sharing between team members, in minutes. (Default: 15)
bcryptCost: Read this (Default: 10)
spawnWeapons: Weapons and ammo the players get when they spawn. This applies to all teams. (Default: Bat and Pistol with 240 ammo)
world: World settings, there is actually a time system but it doesn't show itself until a few hours pass. (Default: CLEAR weather and 10:00:00)
log4js: Logger settings, you don't really need to touch this.
Teams can capture turfs in this gamemode and make money.
All you need to do is stand in a turf checkpoint, wait until the progress reaches 100% (it will be captured faster if there are teammates with you, up to 5 players)
Though doing that will alert the turf's current owners. If the owners manage to clear the turf before it is captured, they'll keep it.
Turf income happens every 15 minutes which just sums all of your team's turf income and shares it between team members.
Admin Commands
/tp [x] [y] [z] - Lets you teleport to a position.
/agivemoney [player ID] [amount] - Gives money to a player.
/agiveweapon [player ID] [weapon name] [ammo] - Gives weapons to a player.
/kick [player ID] [reason] - Kicks a player.
/banplayer [player ID] [days] [reason] - Bans a player.
/banaccount [account ID] [days] [reason] - Bans an account, best used for banning players that are offline.
/baninfo [ban ID] - Returns information about a ban.
/removeban [ban ID] - Removes a ban.
/createweaponshop - Creates a weapon shop on your position.
/removeweaponshop [ID] - Removes a weapon shop.
/creategarage - Creates a garage on your position.
/removegarage [ID] - Removes a garage.
/createturf [income] [radius] [name] - Creates a turf on your position. Radius isn't used right now but it will be in 0.4.
/removeturf [ID] - Removes a turf.
Player Commands
/pm [player ID] [message] - Sends a private message to a player.
/stats [player ID] - Shows the stats of a player. (Kills, deaths, K/D ratio, money, register date)
/givemoney [player ID] [amount] - Sends money from your account to another player's account.
/top5 [ranking] - Shows the top 5 online players of a ranking. (Available rankings: kills, money)
If you encounter a bug, feel free to leave it as a comment.
Hopefully all this text is enough, have fun and see you on the battlefield!
What's New in Version 1.0.2 See changelog
Replaced entityDataChange with addEventHandler.