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Client-Side Packet encryption v3000

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About This File

About This File
This package contains a full implementation of client-side packet encryption for RAGE 0.3.7 which obviously doesn't have build-in encryption for packages.

Includes packer like webpack (with watch mode), import/export from ES6 (thanks https://github.com/alangpierce/sucrase) and picking packages from node_modules

To use the script, you'll need to have hands and installed node js.

Idea behind?

The idea behind was to make it hard as possible to block leakers/leechers copy client-side scripts. And it works!

Security issues?

Make sure that you send your encryption key from server to client with encrytion enabled, so people cannot sniff your key to decrypt your files. Even tho, it should be possible to dump the script-files from memory, but this progress will still not make sense, since noone puts such effort into it. 

How start work?


  1. unpack zip archive to root server folder (path like a 'game-server/src_client')
  2. Open terminal in src_client directory
  3. Enter npm install or yarn in terminal
  4. Enter npm run watch or yarn watch to start watching 'src_client/sourcecode' directory
  5. Complete, now u can edit files in 'src_client/sourcecode' directory




Edited by kemperrr

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