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Circuit Breaker - C# Minigame 1.0.0

   (2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Minigame from the original heist update, done with scaleform without CEF.

Put all files in client_packages\cs_packages\

To call that script:
Event name: 

Event args:
Count of Lives (1 - 10)
Difficulty Level (0 - 4) (0 is beginner, 4 is expert)
Levels to complete (1 - 6)

C# Server Example:

player.TriggerEvent("CircuitBreakerStart", 5, 1, 6);

Game results events:
CircuitBreakerWIN - is called at client side, when player succeed at all levels, no args.
CircuitBreakerLOSE - is called at client side, when player quits (Q button) OR lost all his lives, no args.

If you are using JS client side:
You need to create 2 events (described above) at your client side to catch game results.

If you are using C# client side:
You can just modify 2 methods inside Main.cs, which already contains both methods to catch game results.

Minigame Preview, done on this system: 


Edited by Develuxe
Added description for difficulty levels

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